Review of the Ivorian Press, Wednesday 12 June 2013

12 juin 2013

Review of the Ivorian Press, Wednesday 12 June 2013

OCI regional coordinator of penitentiary affairs in Man has officially handed over the keys of the newly rehabilitated prison of man to the judicial authorities of the Odienne sub district. The rehabilitation estimated at CFA 12,3 million francs (25,000USD) was partly financed buy UNOCI through its Quick Impact Projects programme.

Le Quotidien d'Abidjan: UNOCI Spokesperson Sylvie van Den Wildenberg has dismissed as unfounded accusations made through the social media that UNOCI had fabricated false evidence intended to incriminate pro-Gbagbo forces for crimes committed during the post electoral crisis. The spokesperson admitted UNOCI had organised a joint military exercise on 8 June to simulate a plane crash near Duekoue, adding that the venue had been chosen because of the sensitive nature of the zone. She said greater sensitisation will be carried out in future in order to avoid misinterpretation.

Sud LG Infos revisit the move by the ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to lodge an appeal against the decision by the ICC pretrial chamber to adjourn the confirmation of charges against former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo. A statement by the Prosecutor's office said in the meantime, Mr. Gbagbo will remain in detention while it continues its investigations in Cote d'Ivoire. It said it would present additional evidence when the time is ripe and in due course.

Le Democrate, L'Expression, Le Quotidien d'Abidjan, Notre Voie: The former minister of budget in the Gbagbo regime, Justin Kone Katinan who is facing extradition proceedings in Ghana has said accusations against him of economic crimes committed during the bloody post electoral crisis were politically motivated. Kone Katinan who was also former president Gbgabo's spokesperson is wanted by the Ivorian authorities for alleged looting of a number of banks to help finance Mr. Gbagbo's government.

L'Inter, Le Nouveau Reveil, Soir Info, Notre Voie, Le Temps: The UN independent expert on human rights in Cote d'Ivoire, Doudou Diene yesterday presented his latest report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva in which he considered that the arrest without warrant of the leader of the opposition FPI party youth wing constitutes a negative message which did not favour dialogue. Doudou Diene condemned the "deep political fragmentation" and " weakening security" situation in Cote d'Ivoire and spoke of the necessity for Ivorians to engage in "genuine political dialogue."

Le Quotidien d'Abidjan, L'Expression : Some 10,000 villagers who were illegally exploiting the forest reserve of Niegre in the Gbokle area (south-west)are being gradually evicted without resistance to the forces of law and order.

Le Nouveau Reveil: The streets of Abidjan were reported empty as from 10 pm last night in what appeared to be a curfew as rumours circulated by sms and word of mouth that a raid had been launched to track down Moslem extremists (jihadists). Despite a declaration by the Police Prefecture to dispel the rumours, Abidjan residents stayed at home behind closed doors.

Le Jour Plus: A group of unruly youths armed with clubs and machetes went on the rampage in the Abidjan district of Abobo last night terrorising and robbing residents. Some area of Abobo are said to be inaccessible to the forces of law and order.