10 fév 2010


Appeals on electoral list - Certification threatened
Nord Sud
- « With the defamatory denunciations at the bottom of the patronymic offence, the question of certification of the electoral list becomes an issue of concern. Much more than the position and especially diplomatic speech used uptil now, notably across the call to peace, sent out the past week, the United Nations Operation of in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) is obliged to really take part in the debate on judicial process of the appeals. This reaction from the UN institution is necessary all the more today as it is one of the fundamental reasons for it presence in Côte d'Ivoire that is in the game. One basic element which is a condition of the crisis-resolution process, is the guarantee of the "clarity" of the electoral list. UNOCI made a commitment to say so yes or no as to whether this list is perfect to go to elections that are credible, transparent and open to all. And here we are, the provisional electoral list has awaken all the old demons which divided the country. It seems that the demands for the removal of names from the provisional electoral list which is going on is based on "ivoirite". The electoral list will not be certified if it is partial and non-inclusive, as Mr. Choi has already said. Therefore UNOCI's duty without doubt is to react now and not wait to play fireman after.

The troubling silence of Choi
Le Nouveau Réveil
-« (...) Blaise Compaoré, the facilitator is going to call another meeting to listen to the different parties. If we can hope, it is that for once, the facilitator, in friendly way, is able to tell the presidential camp the truth. To treat the scab of the wound because diplomacy will not help the situation: everyone is wrong, everyone is right. In the end we don't know who is wrong and who is right. That is why Choi's silence is intriguing. What does it cost him in this affair of 429,000 persons, to lock himself away in his bunker in Sebroko and show supporting documents that Mambé Beugré is right or not? He has abandoned Soro as the presidential camp fires red bullets. Choi is good for what if those threatening elections are of no interest to him, him who has to certify them? (...) He is also helping the presidential camp to block the electoral process. (...) The head of state said it recently: Ivorians must resolve their problems themselves. So we take the word of the head of state. (...) »

Hamadoun Touré (UNOCI spokesman) on a potential blockage of the electoral process: « There have been more difficult problems»
Notre Heure
- « [...] The current phase of the electoral process is part of issues that are not easy...what we must do now, is to try to ensure that there are no additional delays with regard to the timetable established by the CPC in December. Everyone can contribute to this, the media has a role to play in this situation, but more and more we realize that we have a job to do but we are determined to find a solution. We are persuaded that we had more serious problems during the mobile court hearings. Now we are at a stage of processing appeals on the provisional electoral list. This shows that we are making progress each time. Let's not forget that there will be problems on the way and we must redouble our efforts to keep our determination in tact. Which is what were doing with the Ivorian partners. [...]».

Vavoua: processing of appeals on the electoral list: the deputy-prefects of the district are on the run. The offices of the ICC burnt
- "The district of Vavoua was ablaze yesterday, Tuesday, 9 February, causing serious material damage. The removal of 370 persons from the provisional electoral list in the court in Daloa, which resulted in a march by the youths of the Rally of Houphouetists for peace and democracy (RHDP) created the violence, very early in the morning at 8 AM. Those who were marching resorted to vandalism on the republic's institutions in their protest movement. The general crisis resulted in the deputy prefects in Seitifla, Claude Yapi Agou, in Dania, Gnonsahié Jacques, the central deputy prefect and the Prefecture's secretary general whose offices were burnt, running away. They left their offices to go to Zuenoula, except Prefect N'Zi Kanga Rémi, who was fortunately not in the area. The angry crowd destroyed houses and vehicles. The population, frightened, stayed at home. Even the elements of the Integrated Command Centre (ICC), who secured the town for some time, were helpless in face of their burning offices. According to some reports, it was elements of the Forces Nouvelles who organized the march which paved the way for the destruction of public property. When writing this article no fatalities and wounded were accounted for. The population are concerned about the situation since they believe that they were abandoned by the authorities who took refuge somewhere else, in the hope that peace would return."

Divo/ in spite of the IEC's testimony- Judge Tié Bi removes 252 persons
Le Patriote - "A judge who obstinately refuses to apply the law. This is the image which the chairman of Divo court, Judge Tié Bi Foua Gaston, gives. Yesterday this magistrate distinguished himself in the saddest way by robbing 252 persons of their Ivorian nationality. The court's chairman, despite a decision by the president of the court, gave instructions that the 252 Ivorian citizens be removed from the provisional electoral list; because that they obtained the Ivorian nationality fraudulently. The court considers that the referral to the court of Divo is inadmissible, because the local IEC were not informed before as recommended by the law in this regard. (...)".

Denunciations and arbitrary removals; when "ivoirité" causes damage in Bonoua
Le Patriote -
"[...] In Bonoua, a town situated in the native region of the First lady, Mrs. Simone Ehivet Gbagbo, the Minister for the Fight against the HIV/AIDS, Christine Adjobi, presented to the IEC several protests to contest the registration of 300 persons on the provisional electoral list... and as this is the case where this kind of protest was presented, the complainant does not bring the documents or the proofs which attest that the persons who were denounced committed fraud to obtain Ivorian nationality, as stipulated by law. Almost all the citizens who are on the lists made by Mrs. Christine Adjobi come from Samo, a town situated almost 5 km from Bonoua. The Minister is followed supported in this shameful initiative by the president of the General Council of Grand-Bassam, Mr. Innocent Kacou Akoï, famous for his activism in the FPI... among the testimonies after meeting with commissioner Aubin Y. Pierre, the one given by Tidiane Maïga and his mother are edifying... here are some of the questions the woman who is originally from Languibonou, village situated 24 km from Bouaké, was asked. A surrealist questioning. Give your own opinion: are these children yours? What are the villages of your daughters' husbands? Why do you behave as a Burkinabé woman? Why did you marry an immigrant? After that we do no longer doubt that the famous "disinfection" of the voters list started by the FPI's lawyers is deployed. And that Côte d'Ivoire is threatened to its foundations..."