16 mar 2010


Special representative of the
UN Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire: Y.J Choi is leaving Côte d'Ivoire to go
to Somalia

Le Nouveau Reveil -
"The Korean Y.J.
Choi, who represents the UN Secretary-General in Côte d'Ivoire, could definitely
leave Côte d'Ivoire within the coming days. So he will make his last report on
Cote d'Ivoire on this Wednesday 17 March in the United Nations. Y. J. Choi's
trip to New York, to present to the UN Security Council an update of the
sociopolitical situation and especially the report on the progress of the
crisis-resolution process in Côte d'Ivoire could be the Korean's last mission
for and on behalf of Côte d'Ivoire as UNOCI chief. In New York, this Wednesday
17 March 2010, he will make a presentation on the progress made so far and the
blockages in the crisis-resolution process as defined by the Ouagadougou
Political Agreement and sponsored by the United Nations. According to diplomatic
sources, it is during this meeting also that the reasons for his withdrawal from
Côte d'Ivoire but also his new mission which is Somalia, with residence in
Kampala will be given to Y. J. Choi. This will also be his last mission as
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General. Why is the UN removing Choi
from Côte d'Ivoire? According to the same diplomatic sources, the United Nations
notes that after the last crisis in the IEC, Choi no longer inspires confidence
in all of the Ivorian parties. The fact that he allowed the dissolution of the
IEC and especially the departure of Beugré Mambé just because of the
presidential party adversely affected his impartiality and credibility. So he
can no longer certify the electoral process as it should be since he allows one
party to do what it wants. Choi seems to be very close to the presidential camp.
The Ivorian opposition which did not understand what he was doing said they want
his departure and replacement, and could obtain it this Wednesday. As
representative of the UN Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Y. J. Choi should
have given his opinion according to the agreements and according to the latest
statement of the UN Security Council. But he allowed them to do it."


Ivorian crisis since 8 years!
The United Nations in Côte d'Ivoire, is it not a Rwandan remake in preparation?

Le Nouveau Reveil -

The United Nations Security Council meets this weekend to address the Ivorian
peace process and certainly adopt another resolution which will undoubtedly have
no effect or efficiency for the crisis resolution. But what will the UN say or
write on this crisis that it did not translate into resolution? Côte d'Ivoire
has been experiencing a crisis for 8 years! (...) with regard to the UN's
wait-and-see attitude and the impartiality of its special representation in the
Ivorian crisis, are we not experiencing the identical reproduction of the
Rwandan tragedy which occurred in April 1994? In Rwanda all of the signals were
flashing as is presently the case in Côte d'Ivoire. With expressions like
"disinfecting the electoral list" which sadly brings to mind words like
"cockroaches, rats" used before the Rwandan genocide broke out. In bad faith of
the interpretation of agreements and the cheating on the application! (...)
Through its multiple and ineffective resolutions on Côte d'Ivoire and the very
careful and incomprehensible attitude of its impartial representation (UNOCI) in
this country, is it not the Rwandan remake which is being prepared?  Should
total civil war break out in Côte d'Ivoire so that tomorrow France which
initiated all of the resolutions on Côte d'Ivoire at the Security Council plays
with words between "mistake" (Bernard Kouchner) and "error" (Nicolas Sarkozy) as
this is presently the case with the Rwandan drama. And finally officially
acknowledging (Nicolas Sarkozy) almost sixteen years later, on 25 February 2010
that: "political errors were made here (Rwanda); and they have has absolutely
dramatic consequences." [...]


From Tevoedjere, Stoudman,
Alan Doss, Gti... to Y.J. Choi - How the opposition discredits UN representatives
in Côte d'Ivoire

Le Temps  -

"If you are not with me, you
are against me". This is the RHDP's way of thinking and it does not hesitate to
discredit all of the UN representatives who do not want to join it. To be
meditated! Everybody knows this saying: "when someone wants to drown his dog he
says the dog has rabies". The Ivorian opposition made it its warhorse. Anyway
before any political act, it refers to its famous vade-mecum which tells how to
behave. So this is not by chance that recently, the women in the RHDP went to
UNOCI's headquarters, ex-hotel Sebroko, in Attecoube, to say what they think to
the representative of the UN Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire: "Choi, if
Gbagbo gave you money, let us know" (le Nouveau Reveil of Sunday, 14 March 2010,
P 2). What motivated this opposition which says it is responsible and with good
components, so with good education to easily describe Y.J. Choi as corrupt? The
answer is quite simple: when the opponents to Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo
encountered difficulties in the national political field and they vainly
resorted to UN arbitration or its representatives in Côte d'Ivoire, they
adopted, in a pavlovian reflex, the skivers' posture; Lazy people. Unable to
implement strategies as underlined by one of their accomplices: "the problem
with our opposition is that it does not have a strategy. [...]"


Forces Nouvelles conclave in
Bouaké – The debate on the renewal of the local IEC divides former rebels.  

Notre Voie

 -"The debate was first held
in a small committee of the conclave. And then, gradually, it moved to plenary,
before falling on deaf ears. The renewal of the local independent electoral
commissions or IEC's local authorities was about to destroy the Forces Nouvelles,
according to several sources. The debate was very intense during the 8 days
their conclave held in Bouake, lasted. Some political and military authorities
of the Forces Nouvelles, who defended the thesis that any petitioner who is
featured on the provisional electoral list is automatically Ivorian, fought
tooth and nail to have their ideas accepted. They refused the renewal of the
local IEC. For these authorities the local IEC's authorities are not involved in
the crisis started with the introduction by Beugré Mambé of 429,000 people on
the electoral list. Consequently, restructuring the local IEC means blaming an
institution which according to the State had done nothing wrong they said. For
them, the quest for the renewal of the local IEC is a tactic to delay the
elections. (...) But those military and political authorities that our sources
have named the foreign branch of the Forces Nouvelles, considered this debate
perilous, and believe that it could lead to an impasse. They claimed that 49,682
people crossed positively as foreign are not involved in the appeals. (...) The
arguments given by the "nationalists" were all defeated, and the hardliners
prevailed in the conclave. They more or less won the favour of the assembly and,
therefore, asked the Forces Nouvelles to reject the renewal of the local IEC's
authorities. [...] "


On his tour of Danané - Malick
Coulibaly: "The voters list will be audited"

Notre Voie

 - "The electoral list will be
audited. The information was delivered to the population of the western region
of Côte d'Ivoire, last weekend, by Issa Malick Coulibaly, the National Campaign
Manager of the candidate Laurent Gbagbo. He gave this information in Danané
where several UDPCI women who joined the presidential camp were celebrated, in
Zonneu (a new sub-prefecture of Danané the birth place of Colonel Major Alphonse
Mangly, the General Manager of Customs), and in Duékoué  before the population
of Guitrozon and Fengolo in the presence of the former Trade Minister Kahé Eric.
According to the National Campaign Manager of Laurent Gbagbo, the core of this
audit will be Ivorian nationality. [...] "


Centralisation of state funds:
The General Manager of Customs claims the CNO areas.

Fraternité Matin
 - "The General
Manager of Customs, Colonel-Major Alphonse Mangly, asked the Head of State on
Sunday, March 14, to order the actual presence of his service in the central,
northern and western regions (CNO). He asked the Minister Bleu-Laine (present at
the ceremony) to tell the President during the weekly meeting of the ministers.
"Tell President Laurent Gbagbo that the Ivorian customs wish, now, to be present
at the borders of Côte d'Ivoire, so that they can recover revenue on coffee,
cocoa, timber and general merchandises and make them available to Côte
d'Ivoire," Alphonse Mangly said. (...) The revenue we are currently collecting
which support the whole country are from the government areas. Why should the
revenue of the CNO area remain with the CNO area's authorities while at the same
time these authorities benefit from the government?" asked Alphonse Mangly to
heavy applause from the audience. [...]"