12 avr 2010


UNOCI says no to idea of
commission of experts on voters' list.

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan -
The idea of
a commission of experts on the provisional voters' list expressed on Radio
France International (RFI) by an adviser of the Prime Minister, has not found
favor with the Independent Electoral Commission or UNOCI, which is in charge of
the certification of the voters' list. It seems that UNOCI has asked to be
informed in a written document, which would then be transmitted to New York.


Blockage of the electoral
process- The Coalition for Behaviour Change (CBC) to hold a sit-in in front of
UNOCI headquarters on 6 May

Nord Sud -

Faced with the impasse in the crisis-resolution process, the Coalition for
Behaviour Change (CBC) "(...) calls on the youth in Côte d'Ivoire to hold a sit-in
on 6 May in front of UNOCI's headquarters in Abidjan" because of "the blockage
of the crisis-resolution process, the passivity of the IEC, the serious threats
over the holding of the election before late April-early May and the
Presidential Camp's option to resume hostilities, among other things (...)" The
sit-in is aimed at protesting against failure to hold the election within the
established deadline and denouncing the international community's passiveness.


Electoral process / Guillaume
Soro (Prime Minister) - "Technical teams will work on all of the issues"

Le Patriote - [...]

Pictures which need no comments and obviously show convergence of view between
both men... this is how the much awaited working session between the Head of State
and the Prime Minister with their closest collaborators finished yesterday at
the President's office. At the end of the session, which lasted over two hours,
the Prime Minister told journalists: "... we discussed all of the current issues
with the President of the Republic. We agreed on the fact that it is useful and
necessary to regain peace.  In this regard, we will talk to everyone to
reestablish serenity in all camps. We outlined the need to urgently resolve the
issues which interest Ivorians, especially the reunification issue. With regard
to the creation of a single State Treasury and the regrouping, we decided to
draw up a timetable to implement this process. Concerning the production of the
voters' list, we agreed on the resumption of the processing of electoral list
appeals, which was interrupted. The Prime Minister will therefore meet the
technical operators to decide on the mechanism to be implemented to reassure
Ivorians regarding the credibility and reliability of the voters' list. The
President said he would like the technical teams to be established very quickly
to really carry out all of the tasks I have just described. I am content with
this meeting, which was successful and fruitful since commitments were stated
and made so that Côte d'Ivoire can start all over on the right foot so that, not
only are elections held, but also, the country is reunified."


End-of-crisis process / Simone
Gbagbo in Lakota: "There will be no election as long as the country remains

Notre Voie  - (...) On
Saturday, April 10, in Lakota, (...) [First Lady] Simone Ehivet Gbagbo told the
Dida-Godié people that unless the country is reunified, there will be no
elections. "There are people who still hold weapons in the occupied areas. They
have taken a part of Côte d'Ivoire hostage and they continue to plunder the
resources of Côte d'Ivoire. We need to harass them until they leave those areas
before the elections, Simone Gbagbo said (...)


Karamoko Yayoro to his
commandos - "If Gbagbo dictates his law, the response will be systematic"

The Patriot

 – "Côte d'Ivoire is the
homeland of all of us and not that of a minority. Remain on the alert. If
[President Laurent] Gbagbo and the FPI [Ivorian Patriotic Front] want to impose
their arbitrary laws on the nation, our response will be systematic." This is
what the Deputy Campaign Manager in charge of the Rally of the Republican youth,
Karamoko Yayoro, said at the end of his tour of towns around the District of
Abidjan. (...) the chief of the executive board of Rally of the Young
Houphouetists for Peace (RHJDP) informed party members that they were taking a
major step in their struggle with their country-wide march on May 15 aimed at
issuing a warning to Gbagbo.


Confrontation between the
Forces Nouvelles and the population of Kong: the Force Nouvelles opens fire.
Many seriously injured

Soir Info  - Saturday, April
10, 2010 was an eventful day in Kong ... That day, according to informed
sources, the Forces Nouvelles (FN), led by Sector Commander 'Petit Chérif' did
not hesitate to open fire on protesters (...) Our source said that the current
problem started one year ago when Fulani shepherds arrived in Kong. Since their
arrival, our fields are devastated by their herds despite our complaints, nobody
reacts. Therefore, we kindly asked the Fulani to leave our village. (...) But
against all odds, the Com-Sector Petit Chérif opposed our decision, which was
curious." "To protest we organized a march to the gendarmerie... where his camp
is located. His soldiers shot at the demonstrators while Petit Chérif was in the
gendarmerie camp. Many were wounded.