Daily Brief on Cote d'Ivoire for Thursday, 31 January, 2008

31 jan 2008

Daily Brief on Cote d'Ivoire for Thursday, 31 January, 2008


-SRSG attends African Union summit in Addis Ababa;
-Roadside attacks prompts strengthened security cooperation between UNOCI military and civilian staff;
-Villagers near Danané complain of extortion by uniformed personnel;
-UNOCI sends special patrol to asses damage in burnt out village in Seguela area


The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Y.J.Choi, is in Addis Ababa attending this week's African Union Summit as part of the delegation of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon.


Following a number of attacks by bandits in the Bocanda area, the Regional Security Officer in UNOCI's Sector East HQ in Bouaké today went to Daoukro to meet BANBATT peacekeepers, military observers and civilians working in UNOCI's camp there to discuss further strengthening of cooperation on security matters. It has also been decided that all military observer teams in Sector East will inform UNOCI civilian staff of their patrol schedule ahead of time so that civilians who need to go to given areas can plan their travel according to the schedules.

Residents in Kpatoupleu near the western town of Danané yesterday told a UNOCI patrol that some uniformed forest guards frequently visit their village and confiscate their wood. They also complained that uniformed personnel from Zouan Hounien routinely take food and other items at checkpoints from local traders going to the market to sell their goods. Similar cases of extortion by security forces have been reported in Gbantopleu and Dankouampleu, in the same area. Villagers there complained that Armed Forces of Forces Nouvelles (FAFN) soldiers went every month to collect an illegal tax of 2,000 FCFA from each trader.

Villagers in Nidrou near Duékoué, western Cote d'Ivoire, reported that criminals in the area surrounding their village sometimes attacked and robbed them along the roads. Three travelers were wounded in one such attack, reportedly carried out on 26 January 2008 by armed bandits in neighbouring Guezon against a passenger truck. The villagers alleged that the bandits used AK-47 assault rifles.

Civil Affairs

The Civil Affairs Office today reported that only 70 per cent of the administration has been redeployed in areas in the centre, north and west of Cote d'Ivoire to meet the deadline of 30 January 2008. This means some 6,000 civil servants still need to be re-deployed in these areas.

Embargo inspection

A joint patrol comprising Military Observers (MILOBS), representatives of the Abidjan Embargo Cell and Licorne, escorted by SENBATT, yesterday conducted an arms embargo inspection at the San Pedro Naval Base unit.


Joint patrols were yesterday carried out by JORBATT, PAKBATT, UNPOL and Licorne in Abidjan, Bouake, Gbantopleu and Nidrou.


A special UNOCI patrol yesterday visited Marhana village near Séguéla (northwest), to asses the damage done by an accidental fire which destroyed a large part of the village in early January 2008. The team visited the affected houses to assess the damage and discovered that 62 houses had been burnt. The disaster occurred when someone allegedly lit a fire to burn dry grass and strong winds caused the flames to spread to the village at a time when most of the residents had gone to their farms to work. Those who were in the village at the time tried to extinguish the fire, but it kept spreading because most of the houses are made of mud and grass. They managed to put it out after more than five hours. Fortunately there were no fatalities, but food and personal items were destroyed in the fire.

Human Rights

The Regional Human Rights Office in San Pedro conducted a field mission to Méagui (90 km north of San Pedro) on 29 January 2008, to assess the human rights situation following recent clashes pitting members of the Yacouba and Guére communities against members of the Nigerien community. The clashes were sparked by the alleged murder on 25 January 2008 of a Yacouba woman, for which her Nigerien boyfriend was blamed. As a result, 30 Yacouba youths attacked the neighborhood where nationals of Niger live, burning down five houses. Despite mediation efforts by the local administrative authorities, tension between the communities, remains high. The local Gendarmerie has launched a criminal investigation. The Office is closely following the situation with local authorities and traditional leaders.

The Regional Human Rights in Bouaké yesterday received a report that a 13 year old girl had been raped by an FAFN soldier on 21 January 2008. Following the complaint by the victim's father, the FN arrested the alleged rapist. The victim's father sought the protection of the Human Rights Division after two unidentified armed FAFN soldiers went to his home to threaten his family on 26 January 2008. The Office intends to raise the matter with the relevant FN authorities.