Daily Brief on Cote d’Ivoire for Wednesday, 16 July 2008

16 juil 2008

Daily Brief on Cote d’Ivoire for Wednesday, 16 July 2008


- UNOCI Special Representative to meet President Gbagbo today
- Peacekeepers investigate armed robbery in Bondoukou area
- Gendarmerie Brigade leaves Famienkro after deadly attack


The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Y.J. Choi, was due to meet with President Laurent Gbagbo today to discuss the electoral process. Mr. Choi has already had similar meetings with former President Henri Konan Bédié, leader of the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI) and Alassane Dramane Ouattara, the leader of the Rally for Republicans (RDR) party.


A UNOCI patrol comprising GHANBATT, UNPOL and Military Observers (MILOBs) on 14 July 2008 went to Lahindi village in the Bondoukou area (east), to investigate an alleged armed robbery which took place on 12 July 2008. The patrol learnt that a local resident was attacked in his house, by seven armed men, who escaped with 4,500,000 FCFA and other valuables. Another man who tried to help the victim was shot and is currently undergoing treatment at a local hospital. The incident is being investigated by the Gendarmerie in Bondoukou.

The Gendarmerie Mixed Brigade based in Famienkro (east), has left the village following a violent ambush on 10 July 2008, during which two of its members were killed. A platoon comprising gendarmes from the Armed Forces of the Forces Nouvelles (FAFN) and the Defence and Security Forces of Cote d'Ivoire (FDSCI), which was sent by the Integrated Command Centre (ICC) in Yamoussoukro, to provide security after the incident, has also refused to stay in the village and has moved to nearby Prikro (east). A dead body, found at the site of the incident on 12 July 2008 is believed to be one of the attackers. Investigations are ongoing.

Redeployment of administration

A group of around 100 people belonging to an association of redeployed civil servants called "Les Mouvement des fonctionnaires redéployés de Cote d'Ivoire" peacefully demonstrated peacefully in front of the Prefecture in Bouaké against their non-involvement in the negotiations concerning the payment of their redeployment and installation allowances. The negotiations were taking place in Abidjan today between representatives of civil servants and the National Committee for the Redeployment of Civil Servants (CNPRA). The association of the demonstrators was not included in the negotiations because it is not officially recognized by the CNPRA.


The 6th and 7th phases of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process for FAFN ex-combatants was expected to start at the 3rd battalion camp in Bouaké today. Some 2000 ex-combatants, some of whom would join the new reunified army, while others would join reintegration projects, were due to take part in the process.

Arms embargo

UNOCI peacekeepers yesterday successfully carried out arms embargo inspections at the FAFN's checkpoint in Marandallah, near Séguéla (centre west), at its unit in Goulia (north) at its 36th battalion in Bouaké and at its 11th battalion in Bouna. Similar inspections were carried out on the same day at the FDSCI's Gendarmerie Brigade in Ouelle (east) and at its cantonment site in Tabou (southwest).