Daily Brief on Cote d’Ivoire for Thursday, 25 September 2008

25 sep 2008

Daily Brief on Cote d’Ivoire for Thursday, 25 September 2008


- UNOCI provides transportation and security escort for identification material
- BANBATT peacekeepers die after road accident


UNOCI is today providing logistical support and security escort for the transportation of material for the identification operation to a coordination centre in Nassian, near Bondoukou (east). The Mission will provide the same support for the transportation of more materials for identification to nine more such centres at Bocanda (east) Tengrela (north), Minignan and Madinani (north west), Kouibly, Zouan Hounien, and Toulepleu, (west), Soubré (south west) and Jacqueville (south). More than 3,500 people have so far been enrolled during the identification operation, which was officially launched by President Laurent Gbagbo in Yamoussoukro on 15 September 2008.


Three peacekeepers from the Bangladeshi battalion (BANBATT) have died following a road accident on the Daloa – Zuenoula road (centre west) on 19 September 2008. Six others were injured in the accident, four of whom are being treated at a Level-3 hospital in Abidjan while the other two have been admitted at BANBATT Level-2 hospital in Daloa (centre west).


A motorcyclist travelling from Duekoue (west) towards Bangolo on 23 September 2008, was attacked by three armed bandits, who stole 726,000 FCFA, his mobile phone and his motorcycle from him.

Arms embargo

UNOCI peacekeepers yesterday successfully carried out arms embargo inspections at the
National Armed Forces of Côte d'Ivoire's (FANCI) gendarmerie brigades in Rubino, near Agboville (south) and Koan Fao, near Bondoukou (east), at its air base in the Abidjan district of Port Bouet and at its second infantry unit in Daloa, as well as at the Armed Forces of the Forces Nouvelles' (FAFN) unit in Boundiali (north).

Human Rights

UNOCI's Sector East Commander, Brigadier-General Zafer Iqbal, yesterday told participants in a human rights seminar that the Mission was not only committed to promoting human rights but was equally ready to fight against any violations. Brig-Gen Zafar was speaking at a seminar organized by the NGO "Actions to Protect Human Rights" in Bouaké. The two-day seminar, whose participants were mainly students from the University of Bouaké, also emphasized the need for a wider promotion of human rights among students.

The Human Rights Office in Odienné (north) participated in an information exchange and sensitization meeting, organised by the head of the Direction Régionale de l'Education Nationale. During the meeting, the Regional Director thanked the Human Rights Office for the creation of human rights clubs in schools and human rights protection and promotion cells in various villages and towns, which he said had contributed to an increase in the number of children going to schools from 9,000 in 2006-2007 to 14,000 in 2007-2008. He also said that human rights activities in schools had equally contributed to the reduction of the number of pupils leaving. An inspection of Odienné 2 school showed that 193 pupils were expelled in 2006-2007 compared to only 65 in 2007-2008. The Regional Director also urged UNOCI's Human Rights Division to support the introduction of human rights education in schools and appealed to the Mission to assist in the rehabilitation of schools and health centers through its Quick Impact Projects.