10 mar 2010


Peace process Choi announces
that Security Council will meet on 17 March

Fraternité Matin -
"The Ivorian crisis
will be discussed by the United Nations Security Council which will meet next
week. The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for
Côte d'Ivoire gave this information yesterday after meeting with President of
Republic, Laurent Gbagbo, in his office, in Plateau. "We discussed the security
council's consultations, which will be held on 17 March to address the Ivorian
issue", said Young-Jin Choi. The South Korean diplomat also said that this
meeting with the head of State is part of the "regular consultations to
accompany Ivorian actors in the peace process". Choi regretted the recent events
that occurred in the country and disrupted the crisis-resolution process. "We
lost too much time. The weakened electoral dynamics should be reinforced. In
this regard the process should resume in a peaceful climate", insisted the head
of UNOCI. Ban Ki-Moon's Special Representative recalled the principles which
should conduct the smooth development of the electoral process. "Peace and
stability should absolutely be preserved, especially during the resolution of
appeals which could be emotional. The past achievements should also be
safeguarded, including the provisional electoral list. And the definitive
electoral list which is a key-step in the peace process should be secured", Y.
J. Choi reaffirmed. 


Crisis-resolution process/ ADB
president meets with Choi

Le Nouveau Réveil -
"The Special
Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Y. J.
Choi, on Monday met with the president of the African Development Bank (ADB),
Donald Kaberuka, who

was on a 24-hour visit in Abidjan

at the Mission's headquarters
After the meeting which focused on the latest developments in the Ivorian peace
process, Mr. Kaberuka explained that the meeting was just one of his usual
working visits. "Each time I visit Côte d'Ivoire I come and see the Special
Representative to discuss the latest political developments with him", he said.
In this regard, the president of ADB encouraged Mr. Choi and UNOCI whom he
believed, were doing an excellent job. Côte d'Ivoire is set to host the ADB's
annual assembly in May this year.


Disarmament- in
conclave in Bouaké since Saturday- the Forces Nouvelles are prolonging suspense

d'Abidjan  -

 « While on Tuesday 9 March 2010 everybody was expecting
courageous decisions for reunification and disarmament, as announced on Sunday
by their spokesman Sidiki Konaté, the Forces Nouvelles were evasive on these
issues, at the end of their fourth (4th) working day... Speaking to the
press after the working session, Minister Sidiki Konaté announced that the works
were going on as instructed by their Secretary-General, Guillaume Soro. "We had
started some reflections which should be thoroughly studied. And we will meet on
Saturday with significant information to make significant proposals, which will
allow Ivorians to notice the progress made by the Forces Nouvelles. So let us
meet this week-end", said the spokesman of the Forces Nouvelles (FN). When he
was asked about these issues needing deep study and which prolonged the works,
Sidiki Konaté said that these are reunification and disarmament issues. [...]"


of "Le Nouveau Réveil" editoral board / Alphonse Djedje Mady (Chairman of the
executive Board of RHDP): "The battle is not over yet."

Nouveau Réveil

 - The General Secretary of the PDCI-RDA,  National Campaign
manager of  the candidate Henri Konan Bédié and chairman of the executive  board
of RHDP, Professor Alphonse Djedje Mady was yesterday the guest of the Editorial
Board of  the press company "Le Nouveau Reveil".

Nouveau Reveil: After the renewal of the CEI, the FPI is now talking about
disarmament and the renewal of local CEIs. Do you think, because of the issues
raised by your opponents, the elections could be held on late April and early

Djedje Mady: The RHDP would like the national and international opinion to know
that the presidential camp does not want the elections to be held. When you
realize this you could better appreciate all the problems these people are
creating. We just get out of the IEC crisis. The facilitator came here. A
solution was found. We renewed the IEC. The electoral commission has not started
working, and they want to raise the local and regional electoral commissions'
issues. Why? They want to waste time. What is wrong with the local and regional
electoral commissions? Why should we change them? The RHDP is ready to lead this
fight. This is dictatorship. They change the rules because they have some part
of the power, and therefore everyone has to agree. They want to waist our time
because they want to organize the fiftieth anniversary, and participate to the
World Cup.


Stéphane Kipré (President of the UNG): "We need a new cross checking of enrolled

 - "Stéphane
Kipré, very concerned by the restoration of peace, gave an overview of recent
events marked by violence resulting from the reorganization of government and
the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). Although this issue has evolved with
the formation of a new government and the appointment of a new IEC chairman, the
Head of the UNG is still concerned by the fact that there might be fraud on the
electoral list. M. Kipré who believed that the future elections must be just,
fair and free, requires that necessary steps should be taken to purge frauds
from the electoral list. "We need a credible electoral list. Many people ask the
audit of the electoral list. I think this is worth of exploring, since
ultimately we all want the voters list to be cleaned. If the audit does not
produce satisfactory results, we will put aside the current electoral list and
we will retake the crossing of the 6 500 000 persons to have a clean electoral
list. " [...] ".


Alassane Ouattara's RDR has started judicial procedures against the perpetrators
and sponsors of the repression of demonstrations of the RHDP

Abidjan, 08 March (AIP)

- "The Rally of Republicans (RDR), liberal opposition), the political party led
by former Ivorian Prime Minister, Dr. Alassane Ouattara, will soon initiate
judicial procedure before national and international criminal courts against the
perpetrators and sponsors of serious human rights violations perpetrated
recently (February 2010) and on March 2004, during the demonstrations organized
by the opposition coalition to which it belongs. Its Deputy Secretary General,
the former Agriculture Minister, Amadou Gon Coulibaly, has even announced
Saturday that, this week, the four presidents of the RHDP, the Rally of the
Houphouetistes for Democracy and Peace, have seized the competent international
courts for this matter [...] ".


The local IEC vandalized

March 10 (AIP)

- "Some unidentified persons took violent action, Monday night, at the local
headquarters of the Ivorian Electricity Company (IEC), doing extensive damage on
micro-computers, two motorcycles and one Vehicle ... According to the security
guard who saw them, the portal of the office entry gave way under the weight of
these individuals who were extremely angry against the IEC because of the
shedding. Once inside the room, they ransacked the vehicles (motorcycles, cars)
parked on the site.
