26 jan 2010


Crisis-resolution / March to
RTI: UNOCI appeals to the RJDP to avoid violence

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan -

"The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) welcomes the calm climate
which continues to prevail despite the proximity of elections. At the same time,
UNOCI remains attentive to the increasing tension in the political discourses
and invites all actors in the Ivorian political scene to be more serene in order
to maintain the calm with a view to preserving the peace dynamics and
consolidating the achievements of the electoral process.


Sociopolitical situation in
Côte d'Ivoire: Abou Moussa at Minister Hamed Bakayoko's office

Le Patriote -
"The Ivorian
sociopolitical situation, poisonous lately, worries enormously the United
Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire. Top priority is the march that youth of the
RHDP are organizing this morning to protest against the appropriation of RTI by
the presidential camp. It was in order to address this issue that Mr. Abou
Moussa, Deputy Representative of the UN secretary-general in Abidjan was
received yesterday, at the end of the morning, in his office in Postel 2001, by
the Minister Hamed Bakayoko, also campaign manager in charge of the youth for
the RDR candidate, Alassane Ouattara. At the end of a thirty-five-minute
session, the guest of Hamed Bakayoko explained the reason for his visit: "I
asked to meet with the Minister, because as you know, since a few days, there is
a current event which is the march scheduled for 26 January (today). You know,
sometimes there are risks involved in a march... It is in this framework that I
wanted to have a conversation with Minister Hamed Bakayoko to see how we can
prevent them", the deputy of the Korean Choi said.  


Monitoring of the march to
RTI- Désiré Tagro calls UNOCI for additional help

Nord Sud  -

"The Minister of the Interior, Désiré Tagro has sent a letter (Number
061/MI/CAB/C) to the Special Representative of the United Nations
Secretary-General. In this letter, a copy of which we have, the Minister
requests the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire to provide help as part
of security provisions for the march of the young Houphouetists this morning.


The RHDP's protest against the
RTI / Frank Anderson Kouassi (CNCA):''We have never been approached by the young
of the RHDP ''

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan
 - "[...] the kings
and traditional leaders have come to find out about the state of relations
between the CNCA and the political parties, particularly the RHDP. They also
wanted to know the kind of relationship the CNCA has with RTI. We explained to
them that our relations are mainly institutional as with any other organization
and they are governed by law. They informed us of the content of the claims of
the RHDP's youth we were not aware of because we have never been approached by
the RHDP's youth



Tagro acknowledges everything
in his letter and accuses a dysfunction of its services

Le Nouveau Réveil
 - "The press has
echoed these recent days, a debate following an official telegram from the
Minister of the Interior to members of the Prefectural Corps. According to this
debate, the Interior Minister has transferred the power of the Independent
Electoral Commission (IEC) to the Prefects. Besides the fact that the transfer
of the IEC's power to the prefectural Corps is legally and physically
impossible, the Minister of Interior would like to inform Ivorians that the
persons behind this debate are clearly victims of a misinterpretation of the
official contents of the telegram in question. Therefore, to put an end to this
error without delay the Minister has sent an official message No. 030 / MI / CAB
/ DCA 1 on January 25, 2010 to the prefectural corps [...]


Electoral process . Stéphane
Kipré, president of NGU
"No more political party representative at the head of
the IEC"

Inter  -

Obviously, Stéphane Kipré wants the head of state and the Prime Minister to
refer to the Ivorian Constitution to appoint an impartial person to lead the
electoral process to its completion, instead of Beugré Mambe. "It is on the
basis of the Marcoussis that Ouagadougou Political Agreement formed the IEC with
political parties [...]. We must comply with the Constitution to appoint a
neutral person to lead the institution," he suggested.