11 fév 2010


Choi discute du contentieux avec le PDCI
Le Nouveau Réveil

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Y.J. Choi, today met with a delegation from the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI), led by its secretary-general, Alphonse Djeje Mady, to discuss the electoral process. Speaking after the meeting, Mr. Djeje Mady said that there was agreement on how the appeals on the provisional electoral list should be managed. "We agree with the Special Representative that procedures must be followed in order for elections to be held before the end of March 2010", said the secretary-general of the PDCI. According to him the appeals process must conform to the modus operandi. [...] On the issue of the possible resignation of Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission, Robert Beugré Mambé in order to advance the electoral process, Mr. Mady said that if Mr. Mambe was found to be at fault, then the PDCI would revise its position.

Blockage in electoral process/UNOCI Human Rights: « Referral to the Security Council is not on the agenda»
Le jour plus -
"Referral to the Security Council on the blocked electoral process, due to the crisis in the Independent Electoral Commission « will be a last resort » said UNOCI's Human Rights.
A seminar to strengthen capacity among Ivorian civil society organisations, members of a Platform for the protection of human rights in an electoral period on the theme « Monitoring or assisting human rights in an electoral period » was where UNOCI's Human Rights Division explained the efforts of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Y.J. Choi with regard to the blockage in the electoral process. "With regard to the certification of the elections in the crisis-resolution proces in Côte d'Ivoire, and the current blockage as a result of the crisis at the IEC referral to the United Nations Security Council remains a last resort. This is because the principal actors are the Ivorians. UNOCI only has a mandate to accompany the process,» added a representative of the Certification Cell, Mr. N'diaye. (...)

Electoral list appeals: Gbagbo and Soro suspend the appeals process
Le Nouveau Réveil -«
Following the violence and the loss of human life in certain towns in Côte d'Ivoire, during the processing of judicial appeals in order to produce a definitive electoral list, the head of state candidate Laurent Gbagbo and the Prime Minister Guillaume Kigbafori Soro have decided to suspend the operation until further notice. This information was made public yesterday, Wednesday, 10 February through a communiqué read by Félix Tyéoulou Dyéla, the secretary-general of government, during the 8pm news. [...]

After consultations with his legal and political advisers: Gbagbo decides to arrest Mambé
Le Nouveau Réveil
- « Laurent Gbagbo is starting to lose patience with regard to the Mambé issue. At the end of a meeting which he held, two days ago with his most faithful legal and political advisers in order to explore possible solutions to this problem, it seems that the head of state candidate opted for the use of force: arresting Mr. Beugré Mambé and reorganizing the IEC with the opposition's agreement or not. This information comes from a source close to the presidential office. It seems that two days ago, Gbagbo met with his legal advisers to examine what to do after the public prosecutor's conclusions of the recent report on "the affair of the 429 000 petitioners. [...]"

Human rights- did Tia Koné deceive the UN?
Le mandate
"The chairman of the Supreme Court, Tia Koné, who led a delegation, has returned from the mission. He was at the headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, for the universal periodical examination on the exercise of the human rights all over the world. "This mission was a success, and allowed Côte d'Ivoire to regain its position among nations. All the 192 state members said that human rights are a reality in Côte d'Ivoire, after reading the report presented." These are the words of Tia Koné, in an ostentatious self-satisfaction, after meeting with the head of state, Laurent Gbagbo. When analyzing current events, we wonder which Côte d'Ivoire Tia Koné is speaking about. Which report did he present to the United Nations? If the 192 members plebiscite Côte d'Ivoire, this is the proof they do not know this country. Let us even suppose that those who congratulated this country are far from the reality on the ground, is a written report enough to give credit on such a sensitive affair as human rights? There are human rights organizations in Côte d'Ivoire, and no one can give "credit" to Côte d'Ivoire in this regard. [...]."

CNO zones/ redeployment of the administration- the Forces Nouvelles chases away 4 police commissioners
Le Jour Plus
- [...] Desiré Tagro is accused of having hidden 4 of his men within troops of the Integrated Command Centre; namely, police commissioners. But lack of luck, they were quickly found out by the fine bloodhounds of the Forces Nouvelles, the other part of the direct dialogue. The hierarchy of the ex-rebels who does not want to be the cause for the sabotage of the current peace process did not make scandal about this affair. Therefore these four police officers were asked to go back their posts in Abidjan. [...]"