2 aoû 2010


Electoral process – UNOCI
reiterates its support to the IEC

Nord Sud  –

The spokesman for the United
Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), Hamadoun Touré, reiterated once
again the peace mission's support to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).
Speaking at the weekly press conference at UNOCI's headquarters in Attecoubé
yesterday, he highlighted the low turnout during the appeals process on
electoral list. He, therefore, reaffirmed UNOCI's availability to accompany the
Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) in the execution of its sensitization and
information programmes on the appeals process on the new provisional electoral
list. The issue of security arrangement for elections was also tackled by
Hamadoun Touré. On this issue, he announced the participation of UNOCI's Force
Commander, General Abdul Hafiz, and the chief of the UN Police, Jean Marie
Bourry at the meeting of the four generals today in Yamoussoukro. The meeting
will essentially focus on two aspects: the examination of the report on the
verification of cantonment at the Instruction Group in Korhogo and the
presentation on the budget for cantonment of the FAFN by the military Chief of
Staff of the Armed Forces of the Forces Nouvelles (FAFN). 


Humanitarian action / Health
Centre of Yopougon – Wassakara – UNOCI's Jordanian contingent makes donations

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan  –

The health centre of Yopougon-Wassakara has received a lot of medications and
medical material from UNOCI's Jordanian contingent. The event took place on
Thursday 29 July 2010 at the health centre in the presence of various local
authorities. (...) For Mrs. Adou, representative of the Mayor of Yopougon, the
action is praiseworthy considering the municipality's difficulties regarding
medical assistance. According to her, this was a relief.


Electoral process –A CPC to
validate electoral list

Le Patriote  –

When will the definitive electoral list which will lead to elections be
published? "The Prime Minister is expecting its production late August after the
appeals process which is currently conducted by the IEC", reassured yesterday,
the spokesman for the Prime Minister's office, Méité Sindou, at the end of a
press conference he hosted at the Prime Minister's Office on the verification of
the provisional electoral list. However before being posted in all the 11,000
enrolment centres, all the political actors should agree on the electoral list;
Because the Prime Minister has decided to resort to consensus in the conduct of
the crisis-resolution process in general and electoral process in particular.
This is why, for his spokesman, Meité Sindou, a meeting of the members of the
Permanent Consultative Framework (CPC) must be held to validate the list: "The
provisional electoral list will be submitted to the CPC for its validation. The
members should append their signature on the document. They have to tell
Ivorians that they agree on the list. There will also be an international
validation with UNOCI to see if it corresponds to international norms", Mr.
Sindou said. And he insisted on the need for agreement if we want the process to
have a successful completion. "The crisis-resolution process will be reached by
consensus or will not", he added. It is the consensus which helped the Prime
Minister to find a happy medium before the launch of the verification operation
on the white list: "The presidential camp asked for an audit of the list of
5,300,000 persons. The opposition did not want it. The Prime Minster therefore
found mechanisms to go to the operation". The operation officially ended
yesterday in Abidjan with only a rate of 4% rejection but is still going on in
the interior of the country: "(...) For the Abidjan district, almost 100,000
verifications on a target sub-population of 126,000 have been done by 27 July
that is 80% of the work done. All was due to be completed today (Editor's note).
For the interior of the country, almost 40% of the verifications have been done
by 27 July (...)", the speaker said, and he outlined that "from that day, for all
extension of the verification operation, the Prime Minister will take a decision
after consulting the Head of State and the principal political actors. (...)


Presidential election in Côte
d'Ivoire – Here is what could block the process.

Soir Info

- The main Ivorian political
actors including the Head of State, the Prime Minister and the key opposition
leaders, persistently said that the presidential election, repeatedly postponed,
will be held before the end of 2010. This determination could be blocked by the
question of the total disarmament of the Forces Nouvelles (FN). The Ivorian
people are hoping that the elections will be held elections in a few months
before the end of 2010. For the large majority of the Ivorian population there
is no reason to delay the election because the electoral process is making
obvious progress with the display of the provisional electoral list of 5,775,000
people. However, disarmament still remains the key of the crisis resolution. At
this level, the consolidation that began in Korhogo on May 15, 2010, did not go
as planned in other chosen cities namely Bouaké, Séguéla and Man. Financial and
material difficulties have complicated the cantonment of the ex-combatants of
the armed forces of the Forces Nouvelles (FAFN). Moreover, on the ground,
although several roadblocks have been dismantled in Forces Nouvelles' zones, the
fact remains that the elements of FAFN still continue to rule their territory as
absolute masters.


The agents of the CNSI and the
ONI of Bondoukou are protesting

The National Commission for the Supervision of the Identification (CNSI) and the
National Identification Office (ONI) of Bondoukou some 420 km in the northeast
of Abidjan have decided to stop working, since Thursday, July 29 to protest
against the non-payment of their allowances. According to the first
vice-president of the local Committee for the Supervision of Identification
(CLSI) of Sorobango and Deputy Coordinator of the Department of Bondoukou,
Ouattara Yacouba, the "main problem is the payment of the June allowances".
"Since the pre-appeals started in Bondoukou on May 18, we have not received our
money yet." Mr. Ouattara said.


Wanda Nesbitt says goodbye to
Côte d'Ivoire

Le Patriote  
The United States has changed the head of its diplomacy in Côte d'Ivoire.
Ambassador Wanda Nesbitt is finally leaving Abidjan. On this occasion, the
Chamber of Commerce of the United States in Côte d'Ivoire and the Boulay Island
paid tribute to her during a farewell lunch yesterday in Eden City. (...)