20 avr 2011


Prime Minister Guillaume Soro says country is being governed

Soir Info -

Prime Minister Guillaume Soro yesterday held his first cabinet meeting in the
Prime Minister's Office, saying "it was a remarkably symbolic act indicating the
country is being governed." He called on all civil servants to get back to work
and remain calm, adding that a new page has been turned and Ivorians should look
forward to the future with much hope. Mr. Soro said the security of persons and
property was at the centre of yesterday's cabinet meeting.


Closure of Abidjan universities for security reasons


President Ouattara's government yesterday decided to close down two of Abidjan's
state universities of Cocody and Abobo for security reasons and promised to
clean up the students' environment before reopening at a future date.
Authorities say the universities had become an arms cache and refuge for
pro-Gbagbo militias and mercenaries on the payroll of the former president. The
new measures are aimed at ridding the universities of these 'bandits' and
restoring the dignity of these institutions of learning and knowledge. 


"The Sorbonne" of Abidjan, a notorious pro-Gbagbo forum
destroyed. (AFP):

Bulldozers yesterday Tuesday 19 April 2011 razed down the "Sorbonne" in Abidjan,
the most notorious forum for pro-Gbagbo partisans who organised violent   public
speeches attacking the French, said a photographer of AFP. Located in the heart
of the administrative and commercial district of Plateau close to the
presidential palace, this was the most frequented by pro-Gbagbo youth groups
known as "parlement" and "agora". As a tribune for young ideologues, mostly
unemployed graduates loyal to the defunct regime, the forum also served as an
informal market place for pirated CDs and DVDs and prostitution.


Fierce fighting in Yopougon, FRCI mopping up operation


The sound of gun firing which has become more or less a daily occurrence in the
Yopougon district of Abidjan intensified yesterday 19 April 2011 during violent
clashes between Republican Forces of Cote d'Ivoire (FRCI) and pro-Gbagbo
militias. The militias continue to consider Laurent Gbagbo as legitimate
president of Cote d'Ivoire and have refused to surrender. Unlike other pockets
of resistance that have yielded to  Guillaume Soro's forces, Yopougon located at
the northern entrance of Abidjan,has refused to drop its guns.


Abidjan monuments soon to be destroyed; 18 corpses found
underneath Siporex monument in Yopougon

Le Nouveau Reveil -

The monument situated at the Siporex round-about, Yopougon was destroyed on 10
April, the eve of the arrest of former head of state Laurent Gbagbo. Beneath the
monument estimated at millions of francs by Mayor Gbamnan Djidan Jean Felicien
were found several corpses. According to concordant sources, 18 persons were
buries underneath the monument. Another monument located at Terminus 82 at Angre
neighbourhood of Abidjan was equally destroyed and bodies found underneath. The
government has thus decided to destroy all monuments erected by the defunct
regime in the presence of the media, NGOs involved with human rights, and
forensic scientists.