23 juin 2010


UNOCI trains
magistrates in zones CNO

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan  –
The United
Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire, on Tuesday, 22 June, organized a seminar on
transitional justice for magistrates in zones CNO. Before the meeting, Abou
Moussa, Principal Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for
Côte d'Ivoire, exchanged views with some leaders of the Forces Nouvelles.


Death of a Pakistani
peacekeeper in Bouaké

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan  –

The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) regrets to inform you of
the death of a Pakistani soldier deployed in the mission. Private Gul Sher died
on Saturday 19 June 2010, at the Ghanaian military hospital in Bouaké, where he
had been admitted following an accident at work. Private Gul Sher, aged 28,
arrived in Côte d'Ivoire on 1st October 2009. His death brings to 45
the number of UNOCI peacekeepers who have died since the mission was first
deployed in April 2004. UNOCI sends its heartfelt condolences to the family and
the Pakistani Government.   


UNOCI trains representatives
of political parties and other groups in Gagnoa on human rights and elections

Le Jour Plus  –

The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), on Monday, 21 June 2010,
initiated, in partnership with the Mayor's Office in Gagnoa (334 km west of
Abidjan) a seminar on "Human Rights and Elections". Some fifty members of
political parties and other groups of the districts attended the two-day
training in the Multipurpose Centre of the town. Speaking during the opening
ceremony of the seminar, Kouassi Kouakou Boiky, Chief of the socio-cultural
service of the Mayor Office of Gagnoa, said that "since UNOCI arrived in 2004,
many activities had been carried out regarding Human Rights in Côte d'Ivoire,
UNOCI is serving as a support to decrease human rights violations". He thanked
UNOCI and said that the seminar was appropriate in this pre-electoral period.
Then, he asked the participants to be interpreters to the populations that
support them so that they can be informed and avoid disruptions during the
electoral period. Explaining the objectives of the seminar, Mrs. Ariel Ngondi of
the Human Rights Division said that « it consists of training and sensitizing
all the leaders of Gagnoa on human rights and to sensitize them on organising
peaceful elections and respecting human rights during the forthcoming electoral
period". (...)


The Désiré Tagro affair:
Djédjé Mady "Gbagbo wants to clear Tagro"

Le Patriote  –

Ladies and gentlemen of the national and international press; I want to greet
you first and thank you on behalf of the RHDP's leadership for coming today. So,
thank you journalists for giving us the opportunity to speak, through your
respective organs, to the national and international community. (...)

The RHDP's position:   

1 - The Executive Board of the
RHDP is outraged by the allegations of fraud during the exam of the school of
administration. These illegal and mafia like practices are worthy of a banana

 2 –The Executive Board of the
RHDP condemns this disgraceful and shocking behaviour;

 3 - The RHDP supports and
encourages the parliamentary groups to launch a parliamentary investigation as
they intended to do, to shed light on this shameful affair, because the legal
procedure asked by the Head of State is hopeless.

 4 - The RHDP calls on all
Ivorians and Ivorian political forces and civil society, workers in Côte
d'Ivoire, to take action to put an end to these scandalous practices.

5 - The Executive Board of the
RHDP holds the Head of State, Laurent Gbagbo personally responsible for these
crimes and declares that his appeal to the Prosecutor is intended to divert
Ivorian people's attention from the essential, which is the organization of the
presidential elections as soon as possible.

6 - The Executive Board of the
RHDP reiterates its support to the Prime Minister and encourages him to serenely
continue to perform his duties as stipulated by the Ouagadougou Peace Agreement
for the peaceful resolution of the crisis.

7 - The Executive Board of the
RHDP asks the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) to produce very quickly,
the final electoral list by opening the appeals. In this regard, the ongoing
audit process should not be an additional device to delay and block the
electoral process. The duration of this operation should not exceed the duration
of the appeals.

 8 – The executive Board of
the RHDP asks the IEC to urgently publish the timetable of the different
operations of the electoral process so that the final electoral list could be
known at the end of July 2010 and the presidential elections held in August

9 - The executive Board of the
RHDP points out that the rapid organization of a credible and transparent
election is the only way to end bad governance of the FPI and provide Côte
D'Ivoire legitimate, credible and responsible institutions.


Appeal to the Prosecutor in
Desire Tagro's case - Gbagbo, for the sake of good governance

Notre Voie

 - (...) Laurent Gbagbo not
only wants to demonstrate that he has not changed but he also wants to keep the
strong bond that his party, the FPI has built and maintained with the Ivorian
people. (...) He wants the Ivorian people to know that he is a politician who
cares about ethics, integrity and good governance. (...) The Ivorian people must
not have the feeling that Gbagbo wants to get rid of one person or another. The
Republic and Ivorians will surely benefit from what he is doing. (...) Actually,
Desire Tagro is innocent until proven guilty by this investigation.


Le Mandat

 announces the press
conference of the Prosecutor of the Republic, in charge of the investigation of
Desire Tagro's case, on Wednesday, June 23 and wonders about what he is going to