20 aoû 2009


Abidjan, 17 August 2009... The Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Côte d'Ivoire, Y. J. Choi, on Saturday, 15 August 2009, in Abidjan, presided over a medal parade ceremony for peacekeepers from United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire's (UNOCI) 11th Togolese contingent.

During the military ceremony in Riviera Golf-Cocody, Mr. Choi highlighted the professionalism of peacekeepers of the battalion, and urged them to keep demonstrating qualities in their everyday conduct.

Turning to the evolution of the peace process, the Chief of UNOCI said that "we are in a crucial phase of the crisis-resolution process in Côte d'Ivoire, namely the elections phase".

The Commander of the Togolese battalion, Colonel Djato Essodina, promised to keep the flame burning in order to ensure that the legend of Togolese peacekeepers can be engraved in golden letters in the annals of the United Nations when the final assessment is made.

Speaking to the 310 recipients, Colonel Djato said that the ceremony should not be an end in itself, but should constitute the beginning of increased efforts in their daily duties and a job well done.

Several military and civilian personalities attended the ceremony, which ended with a military parade.