7 juil 2011



After completing his mission against Gbagbo, Choi gives up his
place to Bert Koenders

Notre Voie

 – Young-Jin Choi, the

Special Representative
of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire,

UNOCI officially in a few days. It is believed his post will be taken over by
Bert Koenders, a former Dutch Minister of Cooperation and Development. The
handover will take place in the near future. Nominated in Côte d'Ivoire by Ban
Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary-General on 10 October 2007, the South Korean diplomat,
Young-Jin Choi, like his predecessors the Beninese Albert Tovoédjré and the
Swede Pierre Schori, showed himself to be an « enemy » of the head of state
Laurent Gbagbo, while France, a permanent member of the United Nations Security
Council wanted to by all means to overthrow him and put his puppet Alassane
Dramane Ouattara in power. Dedicated to his unofficial mission, Choi has never
taken an impartial stance in the crisis which Côte d'Ivoire had been going
through since September 2002 when the coup d'Etat brought about by pro-Ouattara
armed forces became an armed rebellion with the distinction of dividing the
country, with the north occupied by the armed rebellion and the south by the
government. Even when the Ouagadougou Agreement signed on 4 March 2007 between
Gbagbo and the armed rebellion called for the disarmament of the rebels,
Young-Jin Choi has never viewed that as a priority. Just like the UN. After the
holding of presidential elections under flagrantly unsafe conditions for voters
in the north of the country, Choi minimised all the reports produced by
electoral observers. He then launched an armed crusade against Côte d'Ivoire
which ended with the overthrow of President Laurent Gbagbo on 11 April and the
installation of Alassane Dramane Ouattara. His « mission accomplished » in Côte
d'Ivoire, Choi is leaving for other pastures - certainly for other « missions ».



After his
declaration on the health of the deposed president, Gbagbo's lawyers « respond»
to Choi

Le Nouveau

– Everything is fine, Madame the Marquess. After a visit to the
« hostage of Korhogo », Young-Jin Choi, the head of UNOCI, did not hesitate to
make a declaration to the media, during which he did Ouattara a favour –
something that has become a constant in militant action for some months now. He
declared that President Gbagbo "is in good health" and that UNOCI will do
everything to ensure he is treated with "dignity". Laurent Gbagbo's lawyers
clearly did not appreciate this political speech.  "We would like to know on
what basis the High Representative can make such a declaration on the state of
health of a person "who for 15 nights was subjected to bombing by the French
Force Licorne, which directly threatened the life of President Laurent Gbagbo,
his collaborators and his family including a a two year old child". Gbagbo's
lawyers recall that he has not stopped asking for them since 13 April. A
request, which according to them, was reiterated during Mr. Choi's visit. "We
are surprised that Mr. Choi did not mention this in his press release".  They
concluded that "Instead making a statement on the health of President Laurent
Gbagbo, Mr. Choi should be concerned about whether such things as his human
rights and access to his lawyers are being respected.



New Regime -
Alassane Ouattara: «Ministers will be assessed» /- The government declares war
on criminals


 - « The big discussion is finished», said
Alassane Ouattara, after closing the two-day seminar organised by the government
in the Salle des Pas perdus of the presidential palace.

It wast 17.14.
The head of
state was talking to the Prime Minister Guillaume Soro who said he was glad that
members of the government has finished their discussions. At the bottom, said
Soro, it was nothing. The attitude a little relaxed among the ministers before
the closing ceremony testifies it. Forming small groups, they chatted standing
or sitting around a table. All that remained was to bring the seminar to en end,
 the president of the Republic apparently said that every member of Soro's team
of will be the assessed.  « All government ministers will be assessed. This
will be based on the Work Plan but also on their resopect for ethics and
deontology »
, said Ouattara. An assessment which is in response to the head
of state concerns to find quick solutions to the populations problems.». (...)


crisis: 72 ex-FDS in the sight of the military court
«This is the reason the FRCI are not being targeted»


 - According to a source close to the
military court, the investigation section has finished its inquiries into the
carious crimes committed during the post-electoral crisis.  At the end of this
first stage of the procedure, the military prosecutor has just started an
investigation on 72 ex-FDS, cinluding military, gendarmes and police of all
grade. (...) The absence of the FRCI in this procedure could be interpreted badly.
In this reghard, the military prosecutor, Ange Kessi Kouamé, explains why the
FRCI are not targeted by these investigations. According to the military
prosecutor, the status of the FRCI is not clear and has to be clarified.
 « Articles 5 and 6 of the code on military procedure and the law of 2001
concerning the national police, says clearly who is a member of the military and
can therefore appear before a military court. However in the current situation,
you see people in military uniform who are not members of the military," the
government commission explained.  


Escape of
Commander Abehi, threats by Blé Goudé, discontent in the army, the absence of a
chief of army staff.../Is Ouattara in danger?

Le Nouveau

 – Are we really right to dismiss the escape of

commander Noel Abéhi, one of the main killers of Gbagbo's regime or minimise the
threats made by Blé Goudé who predicts that the failure of Ouattara's regime is
not very far? Do the intelligence services of this country function really? More
than 72 hours after the fact, Ivorians continue to ask these questions.  How was
it be possible? How could an individual like the former head of the armoured
squadron in Agban who was within the net, escape in order to avoid facing
justice? How could he leave as easily as a knife cutting through butter? If it
was an average soldier it would be easier to understand but somebody like Abéhi,
on whom searchlights were pointed could he run away so easily without the help
of somebody? Of course not, since the theory of complicity has been put forward.
The vehicle used for the operation has been identified and even the persons he
left with.  The case of Abéhi brings to the surface the issue of re-organisation
of our national army. For the past few weeks we have been searching for who was
going to lead it like the search for the sex of an angel. Yet without naming a
chief of staff, it is difficult to talk of defence and security in a context
where several parallel forces cohabit with several zone commanders.  
Abéhi has gone to join the other senior army,
police and gendarmerie officers who have ignored the appeals....


Regime change:
The government reveals a coup d'Etat in preparation- Here are the
accused/Measures are taken by the government

L'Inter –
of a coup d'Etat being prepared in neighbouring Ghana where thousands of
civilians and military from the former regime are in exile are being taken
seriously by the new authorities. On Sunday, 3 July, during a meeting in Divo,
the Minister of Arts and Crafts Konaté Sidiki, a close collaborator of Prime
Minister Guillaume Soro, confirmed that supporters of former president Laurent
Gbagbo are planning a coup d'Etat in John Atta Mills' country. « Among the
LMP (La Majorité Présidentielle), there are people of good faith who want to
bring about national reconciliation but there is also a group of people who are
planning a coup d'Etat in Ghana »
, he explained. Minister Konaté the assured
his audience that measures had been taken by the state to prevent the alleged
destabilisation project. "We have infiltred their group", he said, adding that "the
Côte d'Ivoire has an obligation to
protect Ivorians".  


National reconciliation: Charles Konan Banny sollicits Ivorian patronage


 – For
his first official outing, the Chairman of the Dialogue, Truth and

Commission, Charles Konan
Banny chose the headquarters of the Confédération générale des entreprises de
Côte d`Ivoire

For about an hour, Charles Konan Banny explained to Jean Kacou
Diagou and his peers what he was expecting from Ivorians who he invited to
become involved in the mission of reconciliation.  .
