3 fév 2010


We are ready in case of
violence during the electoral period

L'Expression  -
« The Spokesman for the
United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire was yesterday interviewed by
l'Expression. During the discussion with journalists, Hamadoun Touré gave the
Mission's position on the crisis at the IEC and answered questions related to
the peace process. The Mambe Affair, Resolution 1911, DDR, State Media and
"emergency" reconstruction.


We have noticed a gradual
increase in human rights violation by the security forces with arbitrary

Are you not concerned that this may become excessive? How ready
are your soldiers to respond ?

I cannot tell you what our
plans are in an interview but I can confirm that UNOCI is ready.  

Under which mandate such force
would be exercised?

This will be done based on our
mandate: maintaining peace and security. The mandate states that our troops will
provide support and protection for civil society as part of our redeployment and
in accordance with our resources. On the operational side, it is not my role to
talk about this and I don't even know what we plan to do in case of any such

You work a lot with
the media.
do you think of Rti?

Rti has to give access to all
of Ivorian civil society. It is not only about political parties, perhaps they
make more noise than others, but Côte d'Ivoire is a country rich in diversity.
We would like to see that diversity reflected. It is not only political
programmes that make a country work. We can do better.

More effort can be
made. [...] »


DDR : UNOCI announces launch
of the 2nd phase of microprojects

Ivorian Press Agency (AIP) –

The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) has
announced the launch of the second phase of its 1000 microprojects programme,
which it initiated to help ex-combatants and young people at risk. During a
two-day meeting in

Daloa (centre
west region of Haut-Sassandra), actors in the disarmament, demobilisation and
reintegration (DDR) process, ex-combatants, ex-militia members and young people
at risk assessed the first phase of the programme, which they said had provided
520 projects which helped  3,800 young Ivorians throughout the country,
according to a press release sent to AIP on Tuesday.

[...] »


Appeals on provisional
electoral list: The Prime Minister and the Chairman of the IEC announce a 10-day

Le Nouveau Réveil - «
Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission inform
the Ivorian population that the end of the cross-checking of data and appeals
operation on the provisional electoral list, which had been fixed for  9 January
2010, will be extended for an additional period of 10 days, from 4 February 2010
to 14 February 2010 inclusive..[...] 


Blockage in electoral
process. The RHDP demands Tagro's resignation.

Pursue legal action against
the Interior Minister. -Djédjé Mady : «The UN should apply sanctions»

L'Inter  - « 
has demanded the resignation of the Ivorian Minister of the Interior, Désiré
Tagro. Yesterday, Tuesday, 2 February 2010, Djédjé Mady hosted a press
conference at the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI),
to condemn "the intrusion" by Mr. Tagro in the electoral process and call on the
United Nations (UN) to apply sanctions. .[...]


State terrorism/ Mambé called
to the P.J.

Le Patriote - "[...]
according to
credible sources, the secretary general of the Independent Electoral Commission
(IEC), Jacques Yapi, is wanted by the law in general and by Prosecutor Tchimou
in particular. It seems that his name and his picture have been posted in all
the police stations in the district of Abidjan. And a price has been put on his
head as well as those of the computer professionals. [...] the IEC head, Robert
Beugré Mambé is very concerned about this new development in the situation. We
have information which shows that, the latter, taking seriously these threats,
sent a letter to the actors involved in the resolution of this crisis; Namely
the Facilitator, Blaise Compaoré and the representative of the United Nations
Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire Y. J. Choi. [...]. According to information
that we have, the IEC chairman was sumoned by the law to answer questions in
what is now called "fraud on the 429 000 persons fraudulently put on the list".
This information was confirmed by some sources we met with yesterday evening in
the judicial police and by sources close to the situation."


Local electoral commission in
Attiécoubé 1: the RDR breaks down the office's door and takes important

Le Temps  -

"The offices of the local
Electoral Commission in Attiécoubé 1 were yesterday, Tuesday 2 February 2010,
packed with people. And for a very good reason! A certain Sanogo, district
commissioner in the IEC and activist in the RDR instructed the representative of
his party to break down the door of the commission office before witnesses;
Testimony of Gneni Justice, 2nd deputy-chairman of the local IEC and
representative of the President in the local electoral commission in Attiécoubé.
[...] They took away 19 boxes containing lists of the appeals linked to every
collection centre. Today it is difficult to say where exactly these documents
have been sent to and why. This is the reason why we are going to hold a crisis
meeting in order to make a statement which will release us from this
misdemeanor. [...]