24 juin 2010


process: The IEC calls on Ivorians to remain calm and serene

Le Nouveau Réveil  -

The Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission and the
Commissions of the institution in charge of elections in Côte d'Ivoire are
preparing the final phase of the presidential election methodically and with
prudence in order to avoid any haste which could cause any setbacks in the
electoral process and the hope of the Ivorian people who are already tired after
a decade of crisis. The IEC understands the impatience of some Ivorians who
wants elections to be organised immediately.

It also understands the
prudence of those who think that Ivorians elections which are imminent, are
delicate and should not be rushed.

Between these two opinions, the IEC would like to find the best
timing in order to satisfy everyone. In addition, the IEC Commissions should pay
particular attention when checking the list of appeals on the « grey list » in
order to produce a clean provisional list acceptable to all. In a few days, we
will discuss those whose appeals on the grey list have been successful and those
whose names will be added to the white list so that we can produce a definitive
list and give Côte d'Ivoire a President of consensus who will strengthen
national unity and bring peace and development to Ivorians.  
At a time when it is
progressing slowly but surely towards the production of a provisional electoral
list and why not a definitive list, the IEC urges Ivorians and all those who
want to see peace return Côte d'Ivoire through the organisation of free,
peaceful and transparent elections to support it in its difficult but not
impossible mission.



The Désiré Tagro
Affair – The public prosecutors warns: "Everyone will be heard"

Notre Voie  –

The problem which is conveniently called the Désiré Tagro affair was the subject
of a press conference held yesterday by the prosecutor of the Court of First
Instance of Abidjan-Plateau, Mr. Tchimou Raymond Féhou. The man with his hand on
his heart promised to carry out the inquiry he had been asked to carry out by
the head of state without complacency.

"Everyone will be heard.
If certain personalities
have been accused of something, they will be heard.  We must allow everyone to
defend themselves, said the prosecutor cutting short questions from journalists
on whether the Prime Minister Guillaume Soro and « certain memners of the FPI
having participated in a meeting » will also be heard in the Désiré Tagro
affair, if necessary.



The « Sagem
commissions » affair Alain Lobougnon (special adviser to Soro): « There is no
question of Tchimou questioning the Prime Minister »

L'Inter  -

« We will not
give Tchimou the opportunity to question the Prime Minister, Guillaume Soro. The
Forces Nouvelles will not give him such an opportunity. »  This was the angry
response from Alain Lobognon, special adviser to Prime Minister Soro, after the
press conference held yesterday, 23 June 2010, by the public prosecutor (...)


Désiré Tagro
affair: The CSCI demands the suspension of the Minister of the Interior

Fraternité Matin  –

After the Rally of Houphouétistes for peace and democracy (Rhdp),
the Ivorian Civil Society Convention insisted on Wednesday, 23 June, through it
communiqué a copy of which obtained, that a parliamentary inquiry
be held on what it describes as the "Désiré Tagro affair". The Commission of
Rule of Law and Equality of the Ivorian Civil Society Convention suggests
several conservative measures concerning the "Désiré Tagro affair". It suggests
suspending the Minister of the Interior in order to avoid a faulty procedure and
allow for the establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry on the
different accusations in order to inform the public of the true facts.  The
communiqué also states that the CSCI regrets the absence of the high court as
provided for by the constitution to treat this sort of issue.

Referral to the
prosecutor in the Tagro and Soro affair – What hides the RHDP's rash statement 

Notre Voie

 – President Gbagbo has asked the Public Prosecutor to conduct
investigation on several issues. The RHDP gives its opinion. The RHDP is trying
to shield Prime Minister Guillaume Soro from the investigation. Djédjé Mady and
the RHDP, more than the prosecutor, are prosecuting and condemning the FPI. With
regard to the analysis of the situation, we wonder what induced the RHDP to make
this rushed statement. This is not fortuitous. What do Alphonse Djédjé Mady and
the RHDP want the government to do? The statement by the rally of political
parties, on Tuesday, at the PDCI's headquarters intrigues and makes Ivorians
very doubtful. Alphonse Djédjé Mady and his allies want a parliamentary
investigation on the Desire Tagro affair. But they do not want to hear about
Guillaume Soro. Whereas the communiqué by the President of the Republic,
regarding the referral to the Public Prosecutor, mentions an affair of 10
billion FCFA that Desire Tagro and Soro received from Sagem Security. To get to
the bottom of the bribes, normally the Minister of the Interior, the Prime
Minister and Sagem Security should be heard in order to have a balanced
investigation. Why do Djédjé Mady and the RHDP want to shield Guillaume Soro
from the investigation? This is a bizarre and clumsy position that creates more
suspicion on the person the RHDP wants to defend. (...)


The Tagro
affair: Koulibaly threatened with death

d'Abidjan  –

(...) The office of Chairman Mamadou Koulibaly has been informed that the staff of
his adversary had held a meeting and decided to physically assault all the
opponents of Desiré Tagro. While refusing to panic, those close to the Chairman
of the National Assembly have however informed Miaka Ouretto Sylvain. (...)