22 avr 2011


Investiture of Alassane Ouattara: Mamadou Coulibaly says Yao Ndre
on his way to Abidjan; Alassane before National Assembly 27 April

Soir Info
President Alassane Ouattara is expected to be sworn-in in the coming days, the
Speaker of the National Assembly, Mamadou Coulibaly announced yesterday after
meeting with Mr. Ouattara.The Chairman of the Constitutional Council, Yao Ndre,
he said, is on his way to Abidjan and would administer the oath of office in the
days ahead. The Speaker said he discussed the concerns of parliamentarians about
the need to conform to legality, announcing that the National Assembly will hold
its first ordinary session on 27 April 2011 during which the President of the
Republic has been invited to make a state of the nation address from that


Consultations have begun for formation of broad-based government

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan
Consultations have begun under the auspices of Henri Konan Bedie, Chairman of
the conference of presidents of the RHDP coalition, for the formation of a new
government to be announced after the investiture on 7 May or earlier of the
President of the Republic in Yamousoukro. Mr. Bedie is expected to take into
consideration the opinion of coalition members including his party the PDCI and
the MFA, UDPCI FN and PIT, Gnamien Konan's party.


Yopougon bombarded for past 3 days, population flees district

Republican Forces of Cote d'Ivoires (FRCI) have for the past three days been
trying to break the last pockets of resistance by pro-Gbagbo combatants
entrenched in Yopougon. The mopping up operation has given rise to violent
combats involving heavy weapons, thus provoking a mass exodus of the inhabitants
to other parts of the city. An FRCI soldier told journalists they had come to
rout pro-Gbagbo Liberian mercenaries hiding in certain corners in Yopougon. On
Tuesday, the government issued a statement calling on the resisting militias and
mercenaries to lay down their arms without fear of reprisal. Despite
negotiations for by the authorities for the surrender of arms in exchange for
protection, fighting has continued.


Duekoue/ post crisis reconstruction- war victims launch SOS to


- In Duekoue, focus is on reconstruction after the fighting. The
stricken population has called on the new government to come to its assistance
in reconstructing their damaged homes. After a 13-hour battle for the capture of
the town, the population sought refuge in the Catholic Mission and according to
the parish priest, the humanitarian needs are enormous. Conditions are
precarious with civil servants sleeping in the open air, insufficient tents, and
lack of food.


Obstacles to total resumption of work

Since Monday, the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence , Guillaume Soro,
assisted by the Minister of Public Service Gnamien Konan and Interior Minister
Hamed Bakayoko, has called for the resumption of duty by civil servants, workers
in the private sector and the armed forces, but on the ground , things have yet
to take off despite the resumption of urban transportation. For all those
interviewed, the problem lies with finance." We have made an effort to survive
since the closure of the banks. At present, the financial situation is
catastrophic. Soon as the banks begin functioning and salaries transferred,
President Ouattara would be surprised by the willingness of Ivorians to resume
duty," said a group of workers.


Reopening of BCEAO national/commercial banks- situation

Soir Info
The strongman of the new Ivorian regime Dr. Alassane Ouattara has fixed as one
of his priorities the normalization of activities in Cote d'Ivoire. It would be
difficult to normalize as long as the population as well as public and private
workers and enterprises do not have access to their bank accounts. A bank worker
said one of the difficulties was locating the whereabouts of bank workers while
another one said the security of bank workers and their clients is a priority