Logbouayo residents sensitized on creating a peaceful electoral environment, human rights and DDR process

21 avr 2015

Logbouayo residents sensitized on creating a peaceful electoral environment, human rights and DDR process

The local senstisation campaign of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), known as ONUCI Tour, was organised on Friday, 17 April 2015 in Logbouayo, in the department of Soubré, 134 km north from San Pedro.

During the event, Kadizatou Ibrahim Cisse of UNOCI's Public Information Office in San Pedro urged people to respect each other's political point of view. She advised them to ensure that they participate in the electoral process with an open mind and a mutual tolerance in order to preserve peace and social cohesion in the village.

"The elections are approaching and everyone should support the efforts undertaken to preserve a peaceful environment and complete the stabilization of Côte d'Ivoire," she said. She further asked the population to work together so that these elections are a success. According to Mrs. Cisse successful elections will demonstrate their commitment to the harmonious development of Côte d'Ivoire.

For his part, Roger Agode of the UN Mission's Human Rights Division, explained the importance of human rights to participants. He encouraged them to respect the rights of others and the laws of the land in order to unite their society and strengthen it.

"If you respect the rights of women, children, and everyone in your village, you will live in peace. This is a big step towards your development, "he said.

As for Yacouba Diomande from the NGO Anni-Yakilayi, he invited the people of Logbouayo to take part in the disarmament and reintegration process of ex-combatants in order to create the conditions for peace and social cohesion in the village and the country. He also called for the DDR process to finish by the end of June. It should be noted that Anni-Yakilayi works with the Authority for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (ADDR).

At the end of the sensitization session, the people of Logbouayou through their village chief, Richard Guika Korah, made ar commitment to work together for a peaceful electoral environment and the harmonious development of their village. They also promised to respect the rights of all.

Logbouayo has 2,000 residents from various communities who live in peace and harmony. Some 250 people from different social backgrounds, including the village chief, community, religious, traditional, youth, and women leaders participated in the event.