UNOCI promotes peaceful electoral environment in Bangolo Carrefour

10 avr 2015

UNOCI promotes peaceful electoral environment in Bangolo Carrefour

People in Bangolo Carrefour, a village located at 538 km northwest of Abidjan, participated in the sensitization campaign of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), known as ONUCI Tour on 9 April 2015.

During the event, the UN mission and the residents in Bangolo Carrefour discussed the need for a peaceful environment in order to organise future elections.

Pierre Aby of UNOCI's Public Information Office urged participants to strengthen social cohesion as the presidential election approach.

He explained that a good election always starts with respect for the democratic process. "A credible election is the one which is free, open to everyone and during which everyone can vote for the candidate of their choice, without fear," he said.

For his part, Sandra Penan of the Civil Affairs Section pleaded with residents to promote a peaceful environment before, during and after the next elections. "You have to individually say no to conflict. You must tell yourself that conflict will not start because of me," she said.

The head of rural land registry at the regional agriculture office, Koffi Teya, said that as elections were approaching the question of rural land ownership was becoming some candidates' business assets. For him the 1998 law advocated the fair sharing of land between siblings.

For his part, the village chief of Bangolo Carrefour, Felix Gouhansié, explained that his village had always worked to promote peaceful elections and was still doing so.

Referring to the situation in the village, he pleaded for the construction of a youth centre, a health centre and three classrooms.

During discussions with residents, they raised concerns on rural land issues, the need for a peaceful electoral environment, the strengthening of social cohesion and public judicial hearings.