25 oct 2011


United Nations Day (UN DAY) -
an Ki-moon: "United Nations has
never been so needed than today"

Nord-Sud  -

During the celebration of the United Nations day, the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,
said that the United Nations has never been so needed than today. "Since the
creation of the United Nations, sixty-six years (66) ago, we have made
remarkable progress. As we have seen in this dramatic year, people everywhere
are standing up for their rights and human freedoms.... That is the very mission
of the United Nations: to build a better world; to leave no one behind, to stand
for the poorest and most vulnerable in the name of global peace and social
justice. On this special day, let us recognize: never has the United Nations
been so needed than today" Ban Ki-moon said. According to the head of the United
Nations the progress made "is under threat from economic crisis, rising
joblessness and inequality and climate changes". For this reason the
Secretary-General pleaded for unity in the world. "Too many people believe
governments and the global economy can no longer deliver for them. In these
turbulent times there is only one answer: unity of purpose. Days from now, the
human family will welcome its 7 billionth member.  Let us unite, 7 billion
strong, in the name of the global common good," he said.



Y. J. Choi's
successor as head of the UN mission in Cote d'Ivoire Gerard Bert Koenders
arrived yesterday at the Felix Houphouët-Boigny international Airport: "I will
bring my support to the respect of justice and human rights"

Fraternité Matin,
Le Patriote, Le Démocrate, Nord-Sud, Le Jour plus, Le Nouveau Réveil,
L'Expression, Le Quotidien, L'Inter, Soir Info  

The new Special Representative
of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire,

Gerard Bert Koenders arrived
yesterday in the country. Before leaving the airport he said to the press: "I am
talking to the people of Côte d'Ivoire who have
endured suffering and personal losses during the long period of crisis. I
congratulate them for the progress they have accomplished. I would like to let
them know that I am here to serve them..." the Choi's successor said. He also said
that as the people of Côte d'Ivoire have chosen
a new way it was crucial for them to reconcile themselves and work together to
restore national unity. The new head of UNOCI said that from his country he
followed what was happening in Cote d'Ivoire. He added that UNOCI will do its
best to help Cote d'Ivoire build a better future for its children.


Car accident in
Toumodi: the condolences of UNOCI

Nord-Sud  –

The ceremony marking the 66th anniversary of the United Nations Day officially
took place on Monday in Yamoussoukro, in a very sober way as the UN gesture of
solidarity with the people of Cote d'Ivoire bereaved by a traffic accident that
occurred on Saturday on the road between Toumodi - Yamoussoukro. "First of all,
I  would like to express the condolences of the United Nations to the people and
the Ivorian Government bereaved by the tragic accident which occurred on
Saturday 22 0ctober a few kilometres from Yamoussoukro", the Deputy Special
Representative of Secretary-General United Nations Côte d'Ivoire, Arnauld
Akodjenou said.


Legislatives of
December 11: the IEC will postpone the registration dead line

Le Nouveau
Réveil  –

The deadline for registration for the legislative elections was supposed to be
tomorrow. However according to some sources this deadline will be extended for
one week. The government will probably adopt this extension during its cabinet
meeting. As matter of fact big parties such as the Rally of the Houphouetists
for peace and democracy are not ready. There is no consensus on their chosen
candidates. The former ruling party FPI is still hesitating. Despite all this
December 11 will remain the date of the elections.


The IEC is still
waiting for candidates

L'Inter  –

Independent Electoral Commission is still waiting for candidates. There is no
great affluence to deposit applications. According to our sources only sixty
independent candidates have applied. For an IEC officer parties seem not to be
in hurry to register for the legislative elections.


The Ivorian army
torn apart: FRCI are threatening to kill gendarmes.

Le Nouveau

 - The "line" is interrupted between the gendarmerie and the FRCI
on duty in the great town of Abobo. Several police patrols have been threatened
by members of the FRCI. The incident appeared to be minor. A week ago, a patrol
of gendarmes belonging to the new security Brigade, were surrounded by elements
FRCI, heavily armed in Abobo and were asked to return to their camp, Agban. They
gave them a clear message for their superiors: "Go and tell those who sent you
here (Abobo, editor's note) that we do not want to see gendarmes here. Otherwise
next time you will see what we will do to you. This was the message conveyed by
gendarmes to their superiors, including Lieutenant Sonkonté Issa, commander of
the Security Brigade. The hierarchy minimized this incident. Last week, Thursday
and Friday, other patrols of the security Brigade in Abobo-sector 5 and Anyama,
met the same fate. A source within the gendarmerie said that last week two types
4x4 vehicles on patrol in the town of Abobo were once again attacked near
Samaké. This time, the elements of the FRCI became more threatening. After
encircling the gendarmes, they "disarmed" them and held them "hostage" for more
than an hour". "We will start killing you like dogs. We do not need the police
here. Abobo is our territory. This is the last time we want to see your patrols,
next time we will kill one of you" they said.


Postponement of the 15 October
meeting, beating of activists: The JFPI accuses the government


 - The deputy National
Secretary of Ivorian Popular Front Youth (JFPI), Justin Koua, denounced the
government's actions in relation to the events of Saturday, October 15, 2011 at
Yopougon. After the postponement of the general meeting that they had planned
and especially the beating of activists of the former Presidential Majority
(LMP) by Republican Forces (FRCI) and RHDP's activists of Yopougon, Justin Koua
made a statement of which we got a copy: "The Youths of the FPI denounce the
inacceptable behaviour of the authorities in charge of the security of the
Ivorian people. They demonstrated through the release of the Ministry of
Interior a bankruptcy of state security. We cannot tolerate these acts of
governmental authorities that are likely to undermine social cohesion, while the
FPI believing their good faith is preparing for the forthcoming parliamentary
elections ", insisted Mr. Koua. (...) Justin Koua spoke of a "democratic setback
of at least 29 years". He referred to the cancellation under the same
conditions, a public lecture at the invitation of Laurent Gbagbo students of the
Faculty of Law at the city theater of Cocody in 1982. (...) As in colonial
times, the rebel leaders, acting like the circles guards, have the power of life
and death over the "natives" with the blessing of the French army," the leader
of JFPI said. (...). According to him, the "conditions of security are too
precarious to have a fair election since the meetings of the opposition can be