27 avr 2011


Forces – ONUCI – Licorne – mixed patrols have started

d'Abidjan  –

Yesterday, mixed patrols started in the Abidjan district. Throughout the streets
in Abidjan city, gendarmes, policemen, UN and Republican forces, all in uniforms
on board of trucks and pick- up vans are patrolling. The elected President
Alassane Ouattara called on policemen, gendarmes and Ivorian soldiers to join
their respective units with a view to facilitating the effective resumption of
activities. (...)


Force Licorne
along with UNOCI participate in clearing of explosive devices in Côte d'Ivoire

Le Patriote

From 18 April 2011, the Licorne Force is carrying out operations to neutralize
explosive devices and ammunitions that could be harmful to the population. In
this regard it proceeded to the demining of schools as well as the President's
office. Operations will now focus on Ivorian military holds as well as the
houses of individuals where explosive devices pose a potential threat to the
lives of the of its occupants (...)


d'Ivoire: Meeting between Ouattara and IB fails: An adviser accuses UNOCI and
Soro –
The meeting of this Monday between the President of the Republic and the leader
of the invisible commando did not take place. Ibrahim Coulibaly seemingly
avoided moving to the Golf Hotel fearing to fall in a trap by Soro's combatants.
(...)  The IB camp accuses UNOCI and the ex-forces Nouvelles close to Soro of not
having ensured that the meeting  held. (...)


IB received
by Generals – the invisible commando denies receiving Soro's invitation

L'Inter  –
It is today that Ibrahim Coulibaly known as IB, the Chief of the invisible
commandos will be received at the headquarters of the United Nations Operation
in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) in Hotel Sébroko in Attecoube by Generals of the
Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire (FRCI). These are Generals Phillipe Mangou,
kassarate Tiapé Edouard and Michel Gueu. For Anoblé Felix known as Captain Aka
Meyo, who disclosed information at a press conference yesterday 25 April 2011 at
the HQ of the invisible commando in Abobo PK 18, the meeting is nonsense. Since
there is no problem between the invisible commando and the President of the
Republic, Alassane Ouattara, he added. (...) he protested against the statement
read on Sunday on the national television by the spokesperson of the Minister of
Defence, Alla Léon. In that statement, Guillaume Soro said that IB was invited
to attend a meeting with him but he did not come because he said he had to
contact some people before coming. False, the spokesperson of IB
responded,saying he  had called Captain Alla to express his indignation. (...)


Invited at
the parliament by Koulibaly Mamadou – Alassane Ouattara refuses

Soir Info  –
On Wednesday 20 April 2011, Koulibaly Mamadou, the Chairman of the parliament,
who returned from Accra, was received by the President of the Republic, Alassane
Ouattara at the Golf Hotel. After the meeting, Koulibaly Mamadou said that the
Ivorian President accepted an invitation to attend the opening of the first
session of 2011 on 27 April 2011. The members of parliament asked me to invite
him on 27 April so that he comes and talk to Ivorians. (...) things changed. The
President of the Republic will not talk to parliamentarians tomorrow 27 April.
According to other sources, Alassane Ouattara turned down the invitation. (...)


security to Abidjan district – Police and gendarmerie resume duty

Soir Info  –
since 11 April 2011, the day  the ex-President of the Republic, Laurent Gbagbo
was arrested, the new holders of  power face a huge problem. It is the
increasing insecurity in the Abidjan district. (...) In this regard, the
authorities in charge of providing security and defending the integrity of the
territory want to resolve the problem. (...) In addition to the elements of the
Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire (...) who are carrying out patrols (...)
throughout the Abidjan district, policemen and gendarmes are progressively
resuming duty in police stations and brigades.



Jean Félicien
Gbamnan Djidan (Mayor of Yopougon and ex-Campaign Director of Gbagbo) to
militians: "The FPI lost the elections; this does not mean the end of the world"

Le Patriote

The Mayor of the municipality of Yopougon creates surprise. An activist of the
FPI and former top member of  campaign team  of Laurent Gbagbo reappears after
several  weeks of silence. (...) . "My candidate contested the results of the
negotiations and mediations. On 10 March we have been informed of the
conclusions of the panel which said that Mr. Alassane Ouattara was the elected
president of Côte d'Ivoire. (...) After the presentation by the Chairman of the
party, I noted that our camp was contesting the panel's conclusion. I was
shattered by this position and I left the room before the debates started. (...)


Mass by Father
Richard Kissi, Dominique Ouattara, First Lady of Côte d'Ivoire, spoke to the


What meaning do you give to church that day?


Today (Editor's note) Sunday, April 24), is the feast of Easter. I came to pray
the Lord and thank you him for putting an end to the suffering experienced by
Ivorians. I would also like to express my sympathy to all those who suffered the
injured and the displaced.

Q: What will
be you message to the Ivorians?


DO: I wish them
a Happy Easter. You know that today is the resurrection of Christ and it is
necessary that in the hearts of Ivorians, there are reconciliation, unity and