UNOCI Tour promotes peace in Séguélon

4 nov 2009

UNOCI Tour promotes peace in Séguélon

Séguéla, 29 October 2009...The itinerant caravan of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) which informs people living in localities difficult to reach on the current peace process in the country, made a stop in Séguélon, 67 km from Odienné, on 27 October 2009. The caravan, entitled UNOCI Tour, is within the framework of UNOCI's accompanying role in the crisis-resolution process, according to Ildefonse Ndwimana, UNOCI's focal point in Odienné.

During the event, representatives of UNOCI explained the Mission's role in the peace process and urged the population of Séguélon to contribute to peace. The delegation included representatives of the Civil Affairs, Child Protection, Electoral Assistance, Human Rights, and Public Information sections as well as UNPOL and the Bangladeshi battalion.

UNOCI's representatives stressed the importance of having a peaceful environment for the holding of elections and urged the audience to respect freedom of opinion and the right to freedom movement. The delegation also highlighted the need to avoid spreading rumours and be informed on progress in the electoral process and drew people's attention to the importance of child protection and the detrimental effects of forced and early marriage.

The representative of the mayor of Séguélon, Doumbia Brahima, and the chief of Canton, Koné Djémoko, congratulated UNOCI on its support to the peace process as well as its assistance to the population.

Launched at the beginning of September, UNOCI Tour has already visited seven localities in the Denguéle region. It is also being conducted in Worodougou region.