UNOCI rehabilitates and equips primary school in Sepidouo (near Bouna)

8 oct 2009

UNOCI rehabilitates and equips primary school in Sepidouo (near Bouna)

Bondoukou, 7 October 2009... The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) on Monday, 5 October 2009, handed over the keys to the newly renovated primary school in Sepidouo, village, situated 45 km from Bouna, to the Prefect of Bouna. Apart from the building, which comprises three classrooms and a director's office, the Mission donated 90 bench-desks, four desks, six chairs and two cupboards to the school.

The help to the school in Sepidouo is the second part of an 8 million FCFA Quick Impact Project financed through the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) basket fund. The first part was used to buy equipment for a school in Kromabira village, in the department of Nassian.