17 aoû 2009


Divo, 17 August 2009 ...The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), participated in the third edition of the Festival of Dida Arts and Culture, organised in Akabia, some 25 kilometres from Divo, from 12 to 16 August 2009. More than 4000 people from various areas came to listen to peace, unity, and social cohesion messages disseminated by the UN mission and other participants at the event.

The representative of the head of UNOCI, Kenneth Blackman, highlighted the importance of the festival for the promotion of peace and social cohesion, "due to its objectives of tolerance, integration and reconciliation". He also reiterated the willingness of the international community to continue its support to the peace process in Côte d'Ivoire "We will remain by the side of the people of Côte d'Ivoire with commitment and determination, towards the resolution of the crisis and towards prosperity, which is the guarantee for lasting peace, shared by all," he said.

The Festival of Dida Arts and Culture, called "Diaka" - meaning "joy" or "rejoicing" in the Dida language – is aimed at promoting Dida culture as well as tourism in this part of Côte d'Ivoire. Its objective is also to provide entertainment and a place for the people of Sud-Bandama region to meet, cultivate a spirit of love and peace among participants and encourage tolerance and reconciliation, according to the Festival Coordinator, Mr. Drama Jhonsix Alexandre.

The festival included a football for peace tournament, exhibitions and dance, culinary arts competitions, storytelling, traditional games and crafts, as well as beauty contests.

The spokesman of professionals of Akabia, Jean-Pierre Dago, said that the village, with some 4000 inhabitants comprising Dida natives, people originally from other parts of Côte d'Ivoire and foreigners was a "concrete example of tolerance which allows for peaceful coexistence" between different communities. However in spite of the fact that the village is located just a short distance from Divo, it was cut off, said Mr. Dago, who asked for help in rehabilitating the road that separates the two localities.

Several participants welcomed UNOCI's positive support for peace and social cohesion in Côte d'Ivoire.

Turning to the recent installation of a UNOCI office in Divo, the former minister, Zakpa Komenan Roland said that things had been difficult in the beginning due to lack of understanding, but "after the battles, everyone is now united around the Mission which helps our population".
"We must pay tribute to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary- General for Côte d'Ivoire, Y. J. Choi, who has given us a lot of support and is ready to do more", he said.

The sponsor of the festival, ex-minister Lida Kouassi Moïse, also expressed his gratitude to UNOCI and its leaders while appealing for unity and reconciliation.

The festival ended with the showing of films on various aspects of UNOCI activities followed by the recording of a programme for Radio Television Ivoirienne (RTI) on Diaka 2009 and the distribution of prizes to the winners of the competitions organised during the festival.