Summary of UNOCI weekly press conference (Abidjan, 5 February 2009)

5 fév 2009

Summary of UNOCI weekly press conference (Abidjan, 5 February 2009)

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Y.J. Choi, left Abidjan this morning for Dakar, Senegal, to part in the 14th high level meeting of head of UN peacekeeping missions in West Africa on 5 and 6 February 2009, the spokesman for the UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) announced in Abidjan today.

Speaking during the mission's weekly press conference, Hamadoun Touré said that the Special Representative will inform participants on the evolution of the Ivorian peace process, in particular with regard to the progress and challenges involved in preparations for elections, following the signing of the 4th Supplementary accord to the Ouagadougou Political Agreement (OPA) on 22 December 2008 and the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1865 on 27 January 2009.

A report on the 17th conference of Force Commander of peacekeeping mission, which was held in Monrovia, Liberia on 3 and 4 February 2009, will also be presented to participants.

Responding to questions from journalists on the events in Man, Mr. Touré said that UNOCI had taken measures to reduce the effects of the violence on the population and the peace process and to avoid any escalation. "These things happen and what is important is that steps are taken to calm things down with the deployment of our troops", he said. Mr. Touré also added that UNOCI troops based in Man had carried out night patrols.

The spokesman also said that UNOCI had contacted the Forces Nouvelles several times in an effort to help them bring the situation under control. "The Principal Deputy Special Representative, Abou Moussa, was in Bouaké and spoke at length with the Prime Minister on the transfer of power from the zone commanders to the territorial and judicial administration as well as the re-establishment of state authority". In this regard, Mr. Touré said that the Prime Minister had assured the Principal Deputy Special Representative of his government's determination to achieve its goals. For its part, UNOCI had reiterated its availability to support the Forces Nouvelles and the government in order to ensure the success of the operation.

The Spokesman concluded by announcing that ONUCI FM, the United Nations radio in Côte d'Ivoire, was now broadcasting in Adzopé and Divo on 96 Mhz, bringing to 26 the number of cities and towns that receive it.