Daily Brief on Côte d’Ivoire for Monday, 8 September 2008

8 sep 2008

Daily Brief on Côte d’Ivoire for Monday, 8 September 2008


- SRSG consults President Blaise Compaoré on Ivorian electoral process
- Several deaths in inter-community attacks in eastern Côte d'Ivoire
- Mobile Court hearings grant almost 600 substitute birth certificates in first week


The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Y.J. Choi, on Saturday, 6 September 2008, had discussions lasting more than an hour on the Ivorian electoral process with Burkinabé President and Facilitator of the inter-Ivorian dialogue, Blaise Compaoré, in Ouagadougou. Mr. Choi said he had gone to seek the advice of the Burkinabé head of state with regard to the next three months, which would prove crucial in the holding of presidential and legislative elections in Cote d'Ivoire. The Special Representative highlighted the important contribution that President Compaoré had made in advancing the peace process since the signing of Ouagadougou Political Agreement (OPA) on 4 March 2007. He also spoke about recent developments in the electoral process with special emphasis on identification, which he said will have an historical impact and constitutes a crucial phase in the organisation of elections in the country.


Eight people were killed, 21 wounded and 400 displaced after violent confrontations between villagers from Assandogo and Marahui, 86 km from Bondoukou in eastern Côte d'Ivoire, on 3 and 5 September 2008. According to information received by a UNOCI patrol which went to Marahui yesterday, trouble started when a group of about 60 people from the Lobi community from Assandogo went to Marahui to attack members of the Koulangou community on 3 September 2008. They attacked them with machetes, 12 calibre rifles and knives and burnt down their houses. Two days later, on 5 September 2008, a larger group of Lobis returned to Marahui and carried out a second attack. Most of the displaced are taking refuge in a school in Bondoukou. UNOCI's Ghanaian battalion, which is based in the town, has donated medicines and food to the injured in hospital. The Gendarmerie is providing security to the displaced people and the National Armed Forces of Côte d'Ivoire (FANCI) has promised to send reinforcement to provide security in the village.

A violent land dispute on 2 September 2008, in the Abidjan area, resulted in the death of seven people and left eight others seriously injured. The victims were inhabitants of Abouabou village, who with the assistance of a land surveyor attempted to measure land to bring to an end the land dispute between them and the villagers of Gongazueville, across the Ebrié lagoon. 20 Abouabou villagers were on board a boat that transported them across the lagoon. Once it reached the shore, it was attacked by a crowd of approximately 40 people from Gongazueville, who threw stones at the passengers, forcing some of them to jump into the water. Seven people drowned. Eight others who reached the shore were attacked with machetes by Gongazueville villagers. One victim had his hand cut off. The five remaining passengers were able to swim back to the other side of the lagoon. Police authorities arrested three people. The situation in the area remains tense.

Redeployment of administration

Municipal workers in areas under Forces Nouvelles control are threatening to go on strike for 72 hours starting from 10 September 2008 unless salaries arrears dating back to the beginning of the Ivorian crisis in 2002 are paid in full as soon as possible. They also want the salaries of those people who are now retired as well as those who died during the crisis to be paid in full.


UNOCI Police Commissioner Pierre André Campiche is representing the Mission at the 18th meeting on the illicit trafficking of drugs by the UN Drug and Crime Agency (UNDOC), which is being held at the Félix Houphouet Boigny Foundation in Yamoussoukro.

Electoral process

Despite a strike by court clerks over the non payment of allowances, the Mobile Court hearings to enable people to obtain substitute birth certificates continued in most of the designated areas last week. Almost 6000 substitute birth certificates have been granted so far. The latest phase of the Mobile Courts is due to end on 12 September 2008

Human Rights

The Mixed Brigade in Bangolo has informed the Regional Human Rights Office in Duékoué of the arrest and transfer to the Office of the Prosecutor in Daloa of five men, including a 16-year-old boy accused of ambushing a public transport vehicle on 22 August 2008 during which a man was killed. The Office is following the case.