Review of the Ivorian Press, Friday 7 June 2013

7 juin 2013

Review of the Ivorian Press, Friday 7 June 2013

choes a Radio France International RFI report that former UN Special Representative for Cote d'Ivoire, Bert Koenders, before his departure to Mali, had sent a letter to the Ivorian Ministry of Justice expressing concern over delays in the investigations concerning the destruction and burning of the Nahibly refugee camp on the outskirts of Duekoue on 20 July 2012 in which a dozen people died. Bert Koenders said he was satisfied that an investigation had been ordered but regretted that so far none of the mass graves containing the bodies of victims has been searched and none of the suspects including an army lieutenant has been summoned for questioning.

Le Patriote, Fraternite Matin, Soir Info, L'Expression: The Council of Ministers yesterday examined sensitive issues related to the acquisition of Ivorian identity by way of a court declaration for persons born before 1961 and those who were still minors before the change of the nationality code in 1972 as well as the acquisition of land in the rural areas. The Council endorsed draft laws on these issues to be tabled before parliament.

Sud, L'Intelligent d'Abidjan: The Ivorian government says it has taken note of the ICC's decision to adjourn the confirmation of charges against former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo while waiting for the Prosecutor to produce additional evidence.

Le Jour Plus: The French Foreign Ministry has called on its nationals in West African countries to exercise greater vigilance in view of the activism of terrorist groups operating along the sahelian region. The call by Paris comes after two attacks in Mali last week. Countries participating in the fight to liberate Mali from the hands of Islamists such as Cote d'Ivoire have become the target of Moslem extremists. Security at Abidjan airport and other sensitive locations has been reinforced while a number of Pakistanis and Egytians were recently called up for questioning by Ivorian authorities.

Soir Info: A bloody armed confrontation has been running for 3 days between former auxiliaries of the Ivorian Army FRCI of the Peuhl ethnic community and the Ivorian Army in the north of the country. A military source said the armed group known as 'Commando du Nord' will be wiped out within one week to clear the way for a planned visit to the region by President Alassane Ouattara.