28 juil 2010


Security arrangements for CNO
zones – Peacekeepers support Ivorian soldiers in providing security in the north

Nuit et Jour  –
Peacekeepers of the United
Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) have decided to give a helping hand
to police officers and gendarmes of the Integrated Command Centre (ICC, joint
military headquarters) in order to provide security for the northern part of the
country known as zone centre north west (zone CNO) controlled by the former

The ICC security forces have
recently been provided with a series of on-the-ground technical training
programmes under the leadership of UNOCI's trainers. "As a practical experience,
we are increasing joint patrols throughout towns and villages with a view to
providing security for the people", said Mbame Ndega, trainer of the Bouaké
session and he added that they had also trained gendarmes and police officers on
traffic control. (...)


Appeals process on electoral
list. Mr. Nassa Philippe (Chairman of the association of bailiffs of Côte
d'Ivoire): "The absence of bailiffs alters operations"



Mr. Nassa Philippe, the
appeals process regarding voters list will resume again on 26 July 2010. What is
concretely the role of the bailiff in these operations?

Mr. Nassa Philippe:

You remember that courts had been sacked and burnt all over the country. This is
due to the fact that the population had not been informed of the proceedings
against them. The bailiff is in charge of instituting an action and executing
decisions. But if the bailiff is involved in operations as is currently the
case, it is clear that the same causes will result in the same effects. This
means that not having bailiffs in the judicial appeals process will alter the
operations. It would therefore be better to learn lessons from the consequences
of the past situation and associate bailiffs to the appeals process on the
voters' list which will resume very soon. It does not consist of monopolizing
action. But besides the modus operandi, recourse to common law should be opened,
that is to say, giving the opportunity to those who cannot directly address
themselves to the judge, to refer to a bailiff so that he presents the case to
the court. And if the process is slow, the bailiff can hasten the proceedings so
that the appeals have a successful completion. The lack of bailiffs will create
problems because as bailiffs, we are in charge of the preparatory work in the
judicial appeals process. We therefore say that the appeals process cannot start
without bailiffs. Anyway, they shall be involved. People do not understand
because they do not know the procedures. Procedures are internal; whereas the
bailiffs, when they are informed, in their turn, can inform the petitioners,
namely the people. (...)


Verification of white list –
The operation ends tomorrow

Nord Sud  –

Is the verification of the white list going to be prolonged? This is not sure;
because theoretically, the operation is due to end tomorrow. But according to
sources close to the operators on the ground, the work to be done is not over at
all. "Normally the verifications are due to end on 29 July but because of the
remaining amount of work to be done, we do not know if it is really going to end
tomorrow", said a source close to the operators. (...) 


Ivorian customs office /
Creation of a single treasury – 250 elements of the FN in training session

Nord Sud  –

The integration of the Forces
Nouvelles in Ivorian customs office is taking shape. Since yesterday, 250
elements are attending a training programme at lecture room KA in the University
of Bouaké. The training session conducted under the leadership of the national
officers of the national customs office is due to last 5 days. (...) On behalf of
Minister Dosso Moussa, the FN national secretary for economy and finance, Abel
Djohoré, his chief of staff, said he was happy with the result of the long
process. (...) He said he was further more, happy that with the training of 250
customs officers of the FAFN and the redeployment of the administration will
start with a "customs branch" for the kick start of Ivorian economy. (...)