17 mai 2010


UNOCI transports grey list to
19 regions of Côte d'Ivoire

Le Jour Plus  -
The United Nations
Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) on Friday, 14 May 2010, transported the grey
list to 19 regions in the country. In every region, the cartons containing the
list were received by the chief of the regional office of the Independent
Electoral Commission (IEC). The grey list includes people who have to provide
evidence to prove that they are Ivorians in order to be registered on the
provisional electoral list. Ten regions started the same day to deliver the list
to the district, sub-prefecture or local commissions, with UNOCI's support. This
applies, for instance, to the Lake Region, where the cartons transported by the
Mission from Abidjan, were then carried from Yamoussoukro to Kossou
Sub-prefecture, where the chairman of the regional office, accompanied by
members of UNOCI, gave them to the chairman of the local IEC. (...) In other
regions, it was to begin from 15 May. The regions are the Moyen Cavally,
Denguélé, Bas Sassandra, Worodougou, Zanzan, Vallée du Bandama, Marahoué, Moyen
Comoé and Haut Sassandra.

Source: UNOCI


UNOCI sensitizes on human
rights in schools

Le Mandat  -
The regional office of the
United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) on Wednesday launched a
sensitization campaign regarding human rights in schools in Bouaké during a
ceremony at the Lycée municipal Djibo Sounkalo in the locality.


Pre-appeals process on
electoral list / before the start today- Bamba Yacouba assures people

L'Intelligent d'Abidjan  -
"We have
made significant efforts to start the operations", said the IEC spokesman, with
regard to the publication of the electoral list. To be precis Bamba Yacouba said
that the efforts consisted of resolving financial problems and training of
agents on the modus operandi. The IEC supervisors have arrived with all the
documents to conduct the training. The supervisors are already in the field, and
some of them are starting to train those who are going to work in appeals
committees", he said to reassure agents who were worried about not receiving the
modus operandi. But if everything has been implemented in the IEC, the case of
the other institutions involved in the modus operandi (CNSI, ONI, INS and Sagem)
is still worrying. "It must be stressed that the operation is not only an IEC
operation. Four persons from the IEC will work in the appeals committees of the
sub-prefecture and municipal electoral commissions. (...) It involves a number of
operators", said Bamba Yacouba. It is with regard to the other institutions'
measures that we have to wonder if operations' start will be effective this
morning. Agents of INS or Sagem Sécurité are owed several months of salary
arrears. In ONI, agents will go on strike on Monday. Worse, the association
which initiated the strike "is asking all ONI agents who are on travel duty for
the pre-appeals process regarding electoral list, to join the headquarters".


After his discussions with
Bédié last Monday, Gbagbo will meet with Ouattara today.

Notre Voie

 - President Laurent Gbagbo
will meet with the chairman of the RDR, Former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara,
today, at the presidential palace in the Plateau. The head of state will
certainly talk with his host about the crisis-resolution process which has been
deadlocked for sometime now. They will also talk about the 45th annual assembly
of the African Development Bank (ADB) that will be held in Abidjan from 27 to 29
May 2010. Mr. Laurent Gbagbo wants his opponents to know that these meetings are
very important for Côte d'Ivoire.


After the postponement of the
march of the Houphouetists: The four leaders of the RHDP will meet soon.

Le Nouveau Réveil
It is true
that the chairman Kobena Anaky of the  Movement of the Forces for the  Future
(Mfa) and Albert Mabri Toikeusse of the Union for Democracy and Peace in Côte
D'Ivoire ( UDPCI), unhappy at the  delay, did not sign the final communiqué of
the  RHDP postponing the march. However, they had never planned to quit the
RHDP. On the contrary, Chairman Kobena Anaky, who spoke several hours after the
decision by the RHDP, called for the union of the Houphouetists though he
condemned the failures that led to the postponement of the march. Following his
statement, ex-President Henri Konan Bédié, responding to RFI about the future of
the coalition of opposition parties, was clear: "You have not recorded any the
resignation from the RHDP. Since last Thursday, we have not had the opportunity
to meet. One of us was on mission in Dakar, the other one was in the interior of
the country. But as soon I know they are back we will meet them."  Very soon, we
will meet to contradict those who dream of the breakup of the Houphouetists
block. (...)