UNOCI mediation of conflict between youths and chieftaincy in Diai village bears fruit

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21 Oct 2014

UNOCI mediation of conflict between youths and chieftaincy in Diai village bears fruit

A delegation of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) visited the village of Diai, Toulepleu division on 20 October 2014 to broker peace between youths who had for the past several weeks been in conflict with the traditional ruler over matters related to governance.

A representative of UNOCI Civil Affairs section, Maxime Ekani stressed the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully in order to consolidate what has been achieved so far. « Young people of Diai you should work in collaboration with the Chief so as to contribute to the building of your village. It is by working together, hand-in-hand, that you can resolve your differences, » he advised.

Clement Dago of the Human Rights division highlighted the respect of human rights, in particular the respect for authority for the smooth running of the village. He explained the new law on the status of traditional rulers and authorities, their rights and obligations, reminding them that the law protects traditional kings and chiefs against threats, contempt, violence, insults and defamation during the exercise of their duties.

At the end of the discussions, the youths said they had understood the words of advice and promised to support the chief and all initiatives aimed at developing the village.

The Chief, Ruffin Pehe expressed joy and said « henceforth he would involve everyone when making decisions. It is together that we'd build the village ».

The Sub Prefect Aymar Gballou Gballou welcomed the significant contribution of UNOCI in resolving the conflict which had paralysed the development and social cohesion of the village. « Through your know-how, you have just significantly contributed to the establishment of understanding between the youths and the chief of the village. We thank you and count on you for constant support in the strengthening of social cohesion among the different communities in our administrative area ».

The UNOCI delegation also seized the opportunity to sensitise the population on other aspects of social cohesion such as the education of children and the illegal occupation of forests reserves.