The Human Rights Section within UNOCI contributes to strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights in Côte d'Ivoire. Its work is informed and guided by international norms and standards as articulated in international human rights treaties.
UNOCI Human Rights Section (HRS) holds its mandate from various Security Council resolutions on UNOCI since its inception in 2004. According to these resolutions, the HRS duties as are to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights in Côte d'Ivoire; to monitor violations of human rights and international humanitarian law; and help investigate such violations with a view to assist and prevent in end impunity. In conducting its work, the HRS pays particular attention to violations and abuses committed against women and children.
Since 2004, the Human Rights of UNOCI contributed to the protection of human rights in the country through monitoring and reporting on the human rights situation throughout the country. Following the post-electoral crisis of 2010-2011, the HRS conducted significant investigative work, uncovering abuses and violations, and by providing credible information to the international community, has contributed to its resolution. Cooperation with and technical support to the Ivorian authorities have led to a significant improvement of the human rights situation, with a number of important measures being implemented, including reforms to strengthen human rights protection and promotion.
Within UNOCI, the HRS plays an advisory role to the Special Representative on matters relating to human rights. Also, the Section is the representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Côte d’Ivoire. As such, it provides support to the work of the Independent Expert on capacity building and technical cooperation with Côte d'Ivoire in the field of human rights and contributes to the work of the United Nations Country Team in Côte d'Ivoire.
The latest resolution 2284 (2016) of the Security Council on Côte d'Ivoire mandates the Mission: "i) contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights in Côte d'Ivoire, including through early warning activities (...) and monitor violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, help investigate and report to the Security Council, in order to prevent such violations and abuses and to help end impunity; ii) support the efforts of the Ivorian authorities to strengthen national capacities for the promotion and protection of human rights, with particular attention to serious violations and abuses committed against children and women . "
However, in view of its final closure scheduled for June 2017, the Mission has finalized a consolidated transition document, which summarizes the plan to transfer UNOCI residual activities to other partners. Regarding the human rights and transitional justice, the transition document has identified three key functions to be continued after the departure of UNOCI as a move to consolidate the gains in these areas:
i. Monitoring and investigations;
ii. Capacity building and;
iii. Transitional justice.
In this transition phase towards the final closure of the mission, the HRS, while pursuing the activities induced from resolution 2284 recalled in paragraph 1 above, intends to devote its energy to implement the transition document on human rights and transitional justice in the three selected areas. For this, the Section will work during the remaining period to ensure that the identified national actors have the appropriate understanding and capacity to smoothly continue to carry out essential human rights functions.
The Human Rights Situation in Côte d'Ivoire:
- Rapport 9 : Report on human rights violations related to the events of February 2010
- Rapport 8 : January - February - March - April – May- June 2007
- Rapport 7 : September-October - November-December 2006
- Rapport 6 : April June - July-August 2006
- Rapport 5 : January - February - March-April 2006
- Rapport 4 : August-September - October - November-December 2005
- Rapport 3 : may - June-July 2005
- Rapport 2 : March-April 2005
- Rapport 1 : January-February 2005
UNOCI speaks to you about human rights
UNOCI talks about women’s rights