Women of political parties commit to supporting and accompanying the national priorities of Côte d’Ivoire

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17 Mar 2014

Women of political parties commit to supporting and accompanying the national priorities of Côte d’Ivoire

The United Nations discussion platform with women of political parties ended on Thursday, 13 March 2014 with a series of recommendations and commitment made by the participants to work to establish a peaceful socio-political climate before the election in 2015.

To work for the consolidation of peace, national reconciliation and the post-crisis reconstruction of Côte d'Ivoire was the main commitment made by the women of political parties.

In a document produced at the end of the meeting, participants decided to support and accompany « the national priorities with the aim of consolidating the peace process in preparation for credible, transparent, safe and open presidential elections in 2015....».

They also expressed their willingness to become resolutely involved in the consolidation of social cohesion process and to spare no effort in promoting tolerance, agreement, peaceful coexistence which are the basics for a harmonious society and to work towards lasting development.

The women of political parties made a commitment to effectively participate in joint sensitisation missions to promote the culture of peace and national reconciliation with the support and assistance of the United Nations.

As part of their recommendations, the women also called for the creation of a framework for discussions which would allow them to organise periodic meetings on issues related to national interest. The main objective of the discussion platform will be to serve as a mechanism for common action to participate actively in political dialogue and national reconciliation. In addition, they recommended the organisation of a senstisation mission throughout the country to "win hearts and minds", especially during the pre-election period, with the help of the United Nations.

Participants appealed to the United Nations for assistance with the initiatives to promote peace and to intensify its capacity-building activities.

With regard to the Ivorian Government, the women pleaded for human rights issues to be depoliticised and for the rule of law and equitable justice to be strengthened within the post-crisis context. They also asked for priority to be given to the education of girls and for the Government to provide protection for civilians, especially vulnerable persons.

During the closing ceremony, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou told participants she was proud of their involvement in the different workshops which resulted in their commitment to work for peace in Côte d'Ivoire, accompanied by the United Nations.

Mrs Mindaoudou reaffirmed the support of UNOCI and the United Nations agencies "to win the fight for the return of peace in Côte d'Ivoire together".

The representative of the Minister of Solidarity, Family and Children, stressed the predominant role of women of politics in economic and social development of a country. He urged participants to become resolutely involved in the current peace process and fully play their role in it.

The aim of the discussion platform which was held on Thursday, 13 March 2014 at UNOCI's headquarters in Sébroko, was to see how women of political parties can contribute to national priorities for lasting and inclusive crisis-resolution in Côte d'Ivoire.

Participants were informed on the United Nations accompaniment to Côte d'Ivoire to improve the security environment, promote human rights and gender equality and the role and responsibilities of women of political parties in the crisis resolution process. Discussions during the meeting focused on the socio-political situation with the aim of making recommendations, as the Special Representative explained during the opening ceremony, which will benefit Ivorians who long for peace and harmony in their country.