UNOCI reinforces civil society capacity to consolidate peace

4 Oct 2013

UNOCI reinforces civil society capacity to consolidate peace

Techniques of conflict resolution, human rights, child protection and the fight against HIV/AIDS were among the themes discussed during a one-day seminar held at UNOCI HQ on 3 October, 2013 for some 20 members of two NGOs involved in the fight against injustice and the promotion of social cohesion: MLPCI and BITAA.

The seminar, organized by UNOCI Abidjan regional office, was conducted by representatives of the UNOCI's Civil Affairs, Human Rights, Child Protection and HIV/AIDS offices.

The head of UNOCI Regional office in Abidjan, Daniela Lupas, said the session was just a first in a series to be followed by others in a bid to respond to the needs of various target groups.

UNOCI had been contacted by the NGOs who expressed difficulties they were having in mobilizing people in the field and being understood by the authorities, the coordinator of the sensitization campaign, explained Djeneba Kouassi-Dosso of the Civil Affairs Section. "{We have given them the basics concerning the consolidation of peace. Henceforth they would know how to orientate their plan of action,}" she said.