UNOCI invites the parties in conflict in Yallo over land issue to talk to each other and reconcile

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29 Nov 2013

UNOCI invites the parties in conflict in Yallo over land issue to talk to each other and reconcile

The third stage of the facilitation process of inter-community dialogue with people in Yallo over the issue of land conflict which was initiated since 18 November 2013 by the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), took place on Tuesday, 26 November 2013, in the village which is situated in the department of Sipilou, some 80 km from Man on the road between Biankouma and Sipilou.

The different sessions were organised by UNOCI's Public Information, Child Protection, Disarmament,

Demobilisation and Reintegration sections, Military Observers and UN Police based in Man, in collaboration with state partners such as the local government of Sipilou, the gendarmerie brigade, the departmental directorate of agriculture, water and forests of Sipilou, the Norwegian Refugee Council, the Legal Clinic in Man and the NGO Bonne Action.

The aim of the session, which was presided over by the deputy prefect of Sipilou, Djédjé Gogoua Théophile, was to facilitate the conciliation of the different parties in conflict over land issues. It should be recalled that the political crisis in 2002 in Côte d'Ivoire, resulted in massive illegal occupation by certain farmers of the reserve in Yallo (28,000 hectares), the ranch in Sipilou (10,000 hectares) and the perimeter land of Yallo village. This led to a climate of tension between the farmers and the local population.

During the meeting, those who are accused of being the cause of the conflict admitted they were wrong. They publicly asked for forgiveness and expressed their willingness to discuss with the aggrieved parties on the conditions for peaceful cohabitation and the management of land issues.

After lengthy discussions, the aggrieved parties who were reticent at the start finally consented to take part in a consultation framework which will be known as "Committee of reflection and monitoring of cohabitation problems and land issues in Yallo". The committee will be composed of representatives of all the concerned parties, the water and forest department, departmental directorate of agriculture and the Gendarmerie of Sipilou, who will submit proposals on how best to resolve the crisis before the final session due to be held on 12 December in Yallo.