People in Glodé in favour of strengthening social cohesion

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29 Nov 2013

People in Glodé in favour of strengthening social cohesion

The people in Glodé, in the sub-prefecture of Gohouo-Zagnan, situated 549 km northwest of Abidjan, on Wednesday, 27 November 2013, held discussions with a delegation from the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), on the mandate and work of the UN Mission, human rights, the disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration process, social cohesion and land issues.

Pierre Aby from UNOCI's Public Information Office in Duékoué congratulated the villagers on the excellent social cohesion which prevails in their locality. "You seem to live in perfect harmony. You should remain on this path," he told them.

The Human Rights Officer, Mohamed Sidi, appealed to people to be more vigilant with regard to human rights problems. "The chief of the village represents the country's authorities. In this regard, all human rights problems should be reported to him. It is the chief who will try to find solutions to these issues," he added.

For his part, UN police commander, Colonel Rakotomavo Fils explained that the police component of the UN Mission contributes to the protection of people and their property by supporting the local forces who have the main responsibility for providing security.

According to Jonas Siekpo of the NGO Bonne Action, who works in partnership with UNOCI, people should use dialogue to resolve misunderstandings. He then appealed to the youths to respect their elders. "Young people should have the culture of obedience and not disorder," he advised them.

The village chief, Roger Yahi Keï, confirmed the peaceful environment in Glodé. "We set up a peace committee which works to resolve all the problems related to social cohesion. People in the village respect each other and live in harmony," he added. He also raised several concerns with local authorities such as lack of electricity in the village, bad roads, water pomps, mobile phone network and health clinics for villages who live just 12 km from the western town of Bangolo.