Special Representative meets Regional Representative of UN Women

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15 Oct 2014

Special Representative meets Regional Representative of UN Women

The Special Representative of UN Secretary-general in Cote d'Ivoire, Mrs. Aichatou Mindaoudou on Friday 10 October 2014 received in audience the Regional Representative of the Office of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, UN- Women in Dakar, Mrs. Josephine Odera.

The two representatives discussed matters related to peace and security in view of the celebration in 2015 of the 15th anniversary of Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security.

"We discussed key questions concerning the involvement of women in various important sectors of society notably the electoral programme, the equality of sexes and the financial autonomy for women. We raised the issue of collaboration between UN-Women and UNOCI, considering the prospects of downsizing the peace keeping mission in Cote d'Ivoire," Mrs. Odera told the press.

Asked about the role of UN-Women in the 2015 election in Cote d'Ivoire, Mrs. Josephine Odera indicated that measures have been taken in that direction and within the framework of the different mandates. The participation of women in the electoral process is part of the UN strategic priorities at the global and country levels, she said. But, she pointed out, it is not the place of UN-Women to make arrangements and give instructions to the Ivorian people. "We are going to discuss with the women. We have already begun listening to them in order to understand their priorities and their interest in the electoral programme. It is from there that we would be able to draw up a programme in conjunction with the other agencies of the United Nations," she explained.

On the question of gender promotion and financial autonomy for the Ivorian woman, Mrs. Odera expressed optimism. "We have created partnerships to move in that direction. I think that at this moment, UN-Women is very well placed at the country level. Just yesterday (9 October 2014), we signed a convention with the Ministry of Solidarity, the Family, Woman and Child on a mechanism to coordinate and streamline our efforts," she announced.

Mrs. Josephine Odera seized the opportunity to welcome the award of the 2014 Nobel Prize for Peace to two laureates, one of them the 17 year-old Pakistani young woman, Malala Yousafzai for her fight against the oppression of children and young people and for the right of children to education. "Imagine at her age, taking a stand against tradition, against traditional leaders. I am moved. I think this would encourage other women a lot, other young girls and other communities in which tradition is used to obstruct the education of girls. The award of this Prize to Malala is as very good thing; it would encourage us a lot," she concluded.