Special Representative hands over inaugurates two Quick Impact Projects (QIPS) in Aboisso

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19 Feb 2015

Special Representative hands over inaugurates two Quick Impact Projects (QIPS) in Aboisso

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, on Friday, 13 February 2015 officially handed over the keys to a school canteens in Eboakro and a sewing workshop in Aboisso prison.

The two projects together cost 17 million francs CFA (approximately $35,000) and are part of the Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) programme of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (ONUCI) to help vulnerable Ivorian communities.

The school canteen project in Eboakro is a concrete response to the problem of non-attendance at schools which has seen rates doubling in recent times. It was also evidence of UNOCI's firm belief that children had a right to a balanced and healthy diet.

Recalling the adage that "An empty stomach leads to deaf ears" "Ventre affamé n'a point d'oreilles", the Special Representative stressed the importance of UNOCI's initiative which was featured in a sketch by the school children entitled « When a child is hungry, he finds it difficult to concentrate on his lesson which leads to mediocre results and in the worst case scenario, he abandons his education," said Mrs Mindaoudou, adding that UNOCI has a mandate to promote human rights, including children's rights. She reiterated UNOCI's willingness to accompany the Ivorian Government in its various initiatives to promote peace, national reconciliation, social cohesion and development.

She encouraged the children to become models as the future of tomorrow and congratulated the teachers for the good working they are doing, like UNOCI, to contribute to peace. In conclusion, the head of UNOCI expressed the hope that the forthcoming presidential elections take place in peace and cohesion.

The Director of Prison Administration, Babacar Ouata, whose structure benefitted from a project which rehabilitated and equipped the sewing workshop in the prison, assessed UNOCI's support in the following terms. "UNOCI has carried out formidable work which has borne fruits : rehabilitation of the prison's wells, building of latrines, training of prison administration personnel etc .», said Mr. Ouata. This place of apprenticeship[, he added, will prepare the detainees for resocialisation and reinsertion. He also stressed UNOCI's psychological support through several initiatives to support his department. The Director pg Prison Administration, one more recalled "the inestimable support of the Special Representative during the strike by prison detainees ». He thanked her for this.

The Prefect of the Department, Lucie Trazié Geraldo, the president of the Regional Council of Sud Comoé, Aka Aouélé, the Mayor of Aboisso, Mamadou Kano, all expressed their wish for real collaboration and a solid partnership between Aboisso and UNOCI.

The inauguration of the two projects brought together the acting Prefect of Aboisso Department, the regional director of education and technical teaching, the director of Prison Administration, elected officials, traditional and religious leaders, teaching personnel, parents and pupils of Aboisso.