Secondary school pupils in San Pedro urged to promote peace

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20 May 2014

Secondary school pupils in San Pedro urged to promote peace

Pupils of the Lycee Municipal of San Pedro and their tutors on Friday 16 may 2014 took part in a meeting aimed at broadening their knowledge of the UN and its goals. The special lecture was conducted by the Coordinator of the UN System in San Pedro, Ganda Abdourahamane as part of activities to mark the end of the school year organized with the support of the Public Information Office of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI).

The Coordinator of the UN System explained the functioning of the UN and especially the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire, calling on the pupils to be actors in the process for reconciliation and change. « Without peace, you cannot succeed, » Mr. Ganda said.

The pupils raised several concerns such as the reason for Africa's non-membership in the Security Council, why the continent was plagued by so many wars and the action of the UN to remedy the situation as well as the strength and weaknesses of the world organization.

The headmaster of the school, Koko Nguessan welcomed the initiative of UNOCI, saying « if the youths are informed about the notion of peace and reconciliation, we would unfailingly achieve peace and reconciliation because in life, all development depends on these factors. »

A final year pupil, Koyi Cederic said the conference has given them a better understanding of the vision of the UN and the importance of education in everyday life.

« Prior to this conference, I thought that African countries were being manipulated but after listening to the speaker, I understand that we, African countries, have to reexamine ourselves so that we can develop our countries by educating and cultivating ourselves and by uniting because today's developed countries had passed through our present stage before attaining their present level, » the pupil observed.

The event was also marked by drama sketches on the importance of education and musical performances.