Petit Pin and Mayoubly inhabitants mobilized for social cohesion and reconciliation

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14 Oct 2013

Petit Pin and Mayoubly inhabitants mobilized for social cohesion and reconciliation

The UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNOCI) took its grassroots campaign dubbed "ONUCI Tour" to Petit Pin (Bangolo Prefecture) and Mayoubly (Toulepleu Prefecture) on Thursday 10 October to mobilize the population to consolidate social cohesion and promote reconciliation.

Whereas the stopover in Petit Pin focused on the protection of the child and human rights, in Mayoubly, emphasis was placed on the national reconciliation process, the reintegration of ex-combatants, the return of refugees, the question of civil status registration for pupils without birth certificates and the consolidation of achievements with respect to establishing a lasting peace and current humanitarian efforts.

In Petit Pin, the representative of UNOCI Public Information Office reiterated the need to respect the traditional chief as a way of strengthening social cohesion and gave guidelines on how to manage rumours while the Child Protection officer urged the population to live up to their responsibility of educating children in order to prepare them for future responsibilities toward their family, village and country.

UN Police and security called on the people to collaborate with them so as to protect the civilian population more efficiently. The representative of the Human Rights office spoke of the consequences of rape and female circumcision which he said had a negative impact on the physical and psychological health of the victims such as HIV/AIDS and sterility.

In Mayoubly, the people were educated on the same themes as well as the need to mutually accept one another and to learn to forgive in order to achieve real reconciliation and develop harmony in their society.

The traditional and local administrative authorities expressed satisfaction with the sensitization exercise. "{We are ready to work toward peace and reconciliation and to encourage our sons and daughters in exile in Liberia to return home in order to take part in the development of Mayoubly}," the village Chief, Troh Robert declared.

For his part, the Sub Prefect of Pehe, Barro Arouna thanked UNOCI for the initiative which he said had "{facilitated our work."}

The population seized the opportunity to express some of their concerns to the administrative authorities including the construction of a primary school for the children and the electrification of the village.

The occasion was marked by the distribution of potable water to the population by UNOCI's Moroccan military contingent.