People in Kombolokoura sensitised on social cohesion and need to educate girls

20 Aug 2013

People in Kombolokoura sensitised on social cohesion and need to educate girls

The people of Kombolokoura, 603 km north of Abidjan, were the target of a sensitization campaign carried out by the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire to promote social cohesion and create awareness on the need to send girls to school.

After explaining the mandate of the UN Mission, personnel from UNOCI's Civil Affairs and Public Information offices, Dabla Touré and Bakary Bakayoko, engaged the population in discussions on the subjects of social cohesion, national reconciliation and respect for girls' right to education.

Olivier Yeo, president of the Kombolokoura Students' Association, urged parents to be united. "The development of our village cannot be realized without social cohesion and the reconciliation of its elites," he said.

The sensitistion campaign, which brought together the elites and traditional authorities of the village, was marked by the screening of a film on the prevention of violence in the school environment, cultural displays to promote the theme of social cohesion and reconciliation sessions between the youths of the different neighbourhood in Kombolokoura sub prefecture.