People in Flatchièdougou sensitised on resolving conflicts between cattle breeders and farmers

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4 Apr 2014

People in Flatchièdougou sensitised on resolving conflicts between cattle breeders and farmers

To ensure that a climate of peace and security is maintained through the peaceful resolution of conflict between cattle breeders and farmers and the sensitisation of traditional hunters otherwise known as Dozos, on their role within the community: these were the objectives of a sensitisation and discussion session initiated by the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire, (UNOCI), on Wednesday, 2 April 2014 with the people of Flatchièdougou, in the department of Bondoukou, situated at 489 km northeast of Abidjan.

The UN Mission decided to organise the event after noticing a marked increase in conflicts concerning the damage of crops by cattle in the Zanzan region due to the dry season and the interference of Dozos in these disputes, explained the representative of UNOCI's Civil Affairs Section, Annita Traoré. "You must refer to the legal system in order to resolve any conflict rather than take the law into your own hands," she said.

For his part, Ouattara Djakaria, who represented the Regional Director of Animal and Fishing Resources explained to people that there is a mechanism for managing the damage of crops by cattle in their villages. He urged them to inform the relevant authorities when such issues arise. In addition, he called on village chief and the deputy prefect to re-establish the Commissions whose mandate is to try to find a friendly solution to conflicts between farmers and cattle breeders in villages and the sous prefecture. "Crop cultivation and cattle breeding must be done hand in hand," he insisted.

Speaking on behalf of the Regional Director of Agriculture, Mr. Poda Jonas, said that the large production of yams and cashew nuts in Flatchièdougou shows that the local population is committed to contributing to development and self-sufficiency in country. "The cohabitation between cattle breeders and farmers should be made peaceful through the application of damages for crop destruction and which were decided on in order to help you live in harmony," he added.

For his part, the Commander of the Gendarmerie Company in Bondoukou, Alfred Okou Zago urged the Dozos to return to their normal activities. "Since we now have peace, security issues are now the responsibility of the police and the gendarmerie," he insisted.

During the discussions, many people deplored the fact that there was no water in Flatchièdougou during the dry season. They pleaded for reservoirs where water can be stored to be built. This, they insisted, would contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts between cattle breeders and farmers.

Speaking at the end of the event, the Sous-prefect of Laoudi-Ba, Akossi Rodet, thanked UNOCI for organising it and expressed the hope that similar sessions will be held all over the region of Zanzan.

It should be noted that 200 people attended the meeting, which was organised in collaboration with the sous-prefecture of Laoudi-Ba, the Ministries of Agriculture and Animal and Fish Resources, as well as the Gendarmerie.