ONUCI Tour carries peace and disarmament message to V15 village

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15 Apr 2014

ONUCI Tour carries peace and disarmament message to V15 village

"Your regular presence here reassures us and your numerous actions for the benefit of the population are visible. That is why we are happy to welcome you to our village today," Chief Victor Siaba of V15 village said as he received the mobile campaign team of the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire dubbed ONUCI Tour on Friday 11 April 2014.

ONUCI Tour went to V15 village, 570 km west of Abidjan to sensitise the people on the need for the voluntary handing over of illicit arms by ex-combatants in order for them to benefit from community reintegration projects.

The visiting team was made up of representatives of the Public Information, Civil Affairs and Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration offices as well as UN Police who explained the benefits of peace and reconciliation. They also spoke of the ill-effects of rumours on social cohesion, respect of traditional authority, collaboration between the population and security forces, the importance of population census and female genital mutilation.

The population expressed grievances to the local administration concerning their living condition as well as their need for potable water, electricity, the construction of a youth centre, and housing for nurses. They also expressed the need for the sensitisation of the inhabitants about the risks involved in female excision.

The village youth leader, Marcellin Bah expressed satisfaction with the discussions. "We are happy with this meeting with the UN because we have learnt a lot about their mandate. Rest assured that V15 village will continue to promote peace between the different communities," he said.

The tour ended with a football match between UNOCI's Moroccan contingent and the village youth team and followed by the free distribution of drinking water by UNOCI to the population.