Inhabitants of Tindra sensitized on social cohesion and peaceful settlement of conflicts

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17 Mar 2014

Inhabitants of Tindra sensitized on social cohesion and peaceful settlement of conflicts

The settlement of land disputes and preserving social cohesion was the focus of a public meeting organized by the UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire and the inhabitants of Tindra village in the Kouto division, 750 km north of Abidjan on 13 March 2014.

The grassroots campaign dubbed allowed UNOCI officials to urge the women, men, youths and traditional leaders to discuss the issue of unity and development as well as the peaceful settlement of land disputes. "You must not take the law into your hands when it comes to land problems. There are people designated to handle such matters like the village Chief and the Sub Prefect," the UNOCI Civil Affairs official, Tabal Toure pointed out.

The sub Prefect of Kouto, Emmanuel Dou who presided over the meeting took the opportunity to remind them of UNOCI's quick impact projects which he said constituted an important support to the strengthening of the ongoing social cohesion and reconstruction process. "UNOCI knows how to adapt its mission to the evolution of the socio-political situation in Cote d'Ivoire. Apart from its primary mission to prevent conflict it has embarked on the mission to support development and consolidate peace," he said.

The head of an NGO whose aim is to fight misery, Agathe Silue Kone expressed her gratitude to UNOCI for its development and peace sensitisation efforts in the Kouto division and pledged the villagers' commitment to promote reconciliation.

The people listened to talks by UNOCI officials of the Civil Affairs and Public Information Offices and UN Police and also expressed a number of grievances including the need for rural electrification, literacy programmes, the need for farm-to market roads, and the building of a canteen and daycare centre for children.