Ex-combatants urged to become actors of behaviour change

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18 Jul 2014

Ex-combatants urged to become actors of behaviour change

A delegation of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) on Wednesday, 16 July 2014, organised a sensitisation and discussion session in the Socialisation Centre for ex-combatants in Bondoukou, situated at 427 km from Abidjan.

In her presentation to the ex-combatants, UNOCI's Civil Affairs Officer, Annita Traoré, outlined the role that should be played by the ex-combatants in the promotion of social cohesion once they return to their respective communities. « Become actors of behaviour change in your different communities in order to contribute to the reconstruction of Côte d'Ivoire », she advised them. Mrs Traoré also urged them to always use dialogue and non-violence to resolve any conflict.

The sensitisation session was organised as part of UNOCI's mandate to accompany Côte d'Ivoire in the crisis-resolution process, explained Public Information Officer, Désiré Ndagijimana. He told the ex-combatants: « The Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) process to which which have voluntarily committed yourselves is of capital importance to put a definitive end to the crisis in Côte d'Ivoire ». He added that the UN Mission was committed to accompanying Côte d'Ivoire to ensure the process is a success. He congratulated the ex-combatants for having taken the right decision to lay down their arms and join the DDR process in order to rebuild a new life within Ivorian society.

For his part, Hamadou Djibo of the Regional Human Rights Office instructed the ex-combatants on the history and principles of human rights which is imperative for social cohesion within any society. Speaking on civil, political and socio-economic rights, which he said were the rights most violated during a period of conflict, he cited the right to life, health, education, freedom of opinion and circulation as well as political choice. « The non-respect of human rights is always synonymous with conflict, while respect for these rights brings about peace and social cohesion, » he added. Mr. Djibo also stressed the need to respects women's and children's rights as well as those of handicapped people. Those who are vulnerable in society should always be protected.

At the end of the discussions, the ex-combatants expressed their appreciation for the information they had received in their new role of « actors of behaviour change ».