Creating and maintaining a peaceful environment in Côte d’Ivoire : Local Government officials, elected representatives, senior executives and the population make their commitment

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2 Mar 2015

Creating and maintaining a peaceful environment in Côte d’Ivoire : Local Government officials, elected representatives, senior executives and the population make their commitment

On the 24 February 2015, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, opened a discussion platform organized by the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) with elected representatives, senior executives, local government officials from six administrative regions of Côte d'Ivoire in Bouaflé in the Marahoué region in central Côte d'Ivoire).

Participants came from Haut-Sassandra, Marahoué, Goh, Loh Djiboua, Bere and Worodougou to discuss issues on the theme: "The contribution of regional opinion leaders to the consolidation of peace and national reconciliation ".

In her opening remarks, the Special Representative explained that the event had been organized as part of UNOCI's accompaniment role in the national reconciliation process and the promotion of social cohesion as outlined in UN Security Council Resolution 2162 in connection with the presidential elections scheduled to be held in October 2015. In this regard, Mrs Mindaoudou highlighted important role of opinion leaders in creating the rights kind of environment for the holding of transparent, fair, credible and democratic elections.

The head of UNOCI outlined the socio-political situation, recalling the progress made in the political dialogue, national reconciliation, the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) process ... « You have contributed to all of this », Mrs Mindaoudou told participants while expressing her satisfaction with the situation. However, the Special Representative pointed out a lot still remained to be done in order for Côte d'Ivoire to become normal again.

« We must do all we can to ensure that intercommunity conflicts decrease significantly or to put a definitive end to the », said Mrs Mindaoudou. The aim of these discussion platforms, she explained, is to support and help to strengthen social cohesion and national reconciliation. She called on the regional leaders to continue to invest in their areas by working with the population.

Participants discussed several sub-themes including the conflict prevention and management, the role and responsibility of opinion leaders in the consolidation of peace and the promotion of a peaceful electoral environment. They also examined communication techniques to promote the culture of peace.

The Special Representative's mission in Bouaflé ended with visits to a local primary school and a local radio.

On the same day, she went to Angovia with the Director and Coordinator of the National Programme National for Social Cohesion (PNCS), Mrs Mariatou Koné, to find out about the realities on the ground with regard to peace and social cohesion and announce the renovation of the local health centre and a maternity clinic.

During Mrs Mindaoudou's visit, the chief of Angovia village, Diby Konan, assured her and her delegation that residents were determined to continue to live peacefully together. « Be reassured that we have turned over the page, we have resumed our peaceful co-existence with our brothers that we had welcomed amongst us, » he said..

The Special Representative and the PNCS Director both expressed their joy at having witnessed that real peace had returned to Angovia. « I am pleased to see that social cohesion had returned to Angovia and Allahou-Bazi between the people of both villages », said the Special Representative while explaining the reason for her second visit to Angovia, after the first which took place in April 2014. « We came back to see for ourselves that peace has «returned », she said.

Mrs Mindaoudou urged the youths in the village to cultivate peace. UNOCI's chief the distributed school kits donated by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to pupils of the local primary school. Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou and Mrs Mariatou Koné then laid the foundations of the new office of the Education Counsellor.

To end, the Special Representative then announced that the requests made for improved access to potable water and the construction of classrooms will be examined by UNOCI, local authorities and partners.

.Participants came from Haut-Sassandra, Marahoué, Goh, Loh Djiboua, Bere and Worodougou to discuss issues on the theme: "The contribution of regional opinion leaders to the consolidation of peace and national reconciliation ".

In her opening remarks, the Special Representative explained that the event had been organized as part of UNOCI's accompaniment role in the national reconciliation process and the promotion of social cohesion as outlined in UN Security Council Resolution 2162 in connection with the presidential elections scheduled to be held in October 2015. In this regard, Mrs Mindaoudou highlighted important role of opinion leaders in creating the rights kind of environment for the holding of transparent, fair, credible and democratic elections.

The head of UNOCI outlined the socio-political situation, recalling the progress made in the political dialogue, national reconciliation, the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) process ... « You have contributed to all of this », Mrs Mindaoudou told participants while expressing her satisfaction with the situation. However, the Special Representative pointed out a lot still remained to be done in order for Côte d'Ivoire to become normal again.

« We must do all we can to ensure that intercommunity conflicts decrease significantly or to put a definitive end to the », said Mrs Mindaoudou. The aim of these discussion platforms, she explained, is to support and help to strengthen social cohesion and national reconciliation. She called on the regional leaders to continue to invest in their areas by working with the population.

Participants discussed several sub-themes including the conflict prevention and management, the role and responsibility of opinion leaders in the consolidation of peace and the promotion of a peaceful electoral environment. They also examined communication techniques to promote the culture of peace.

The Special Representative's mission in Bouaflé ended with visits to a local primary school and a local radio.

On the same day, she went to Angovia with the Director and Coordinator of the National Programme National for Social Cohesion (PNCS), Mrs Mariatou Koné, to find out about the realities on the ground with regard to peace and social cohesion and announce the renovation of the local health centre and a maternity clinic.

During Mrs Mindaoudou's visit, the chief of Angovia village, Diby Konan, assured her and her delegation that residents were determined to continue to live peacefully together. « Be reassured that we have turned over the page, we have resumed our peaceful co-existence with our brothers that we had welcomed amongst us, » he said..

The Special Representative and the PNCS Director both expressed their joy at having witnessed that real peace had returned to Angovia. « I am pleased to see that social cohesion had returned to Angovia and Allahou-Bazi between the people of both villages », said the Special Representative while explaining the reason for her second visit to Angovia, after the first which took place in April 2014. « We came back to see for ourselves that peace has returned », she said.

Mrs Mindaoudou urged the youths in the village to cultivate peace. UNOCI's chief the distributed school kits donated by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to pupils of the local primary school. Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou and Mrs Mariatou Koné then laid the foundations of the new office of the Education Counsellor.

To end, the Special Representative then announced that the requests made for improved access to potable water and the construction of classrooms will be examined by UNOCI, local authorities and partners.