Compensation of Victims and Social Cohesion in Dania

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17 Feb 2016

Compensation of Victims and Social Cohesion in Dania

A joint mission led by the Ivorian Minister of Solidarity, , Social Cohesion and Victim Compensation, Professor Mariatou Koné and the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SRSG) for Côte d'Ivoire and Chief of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou, went to Dania, locality situated at 59 km from Daloa, in the department of Vavoua, in the Haut Sassandra region, to meet local people.

The visit by the two dignitaries to Vavoua sous-préfecture comes after three days of intercommunity dialogue organised by UNOCI on 10, 11 and 12 February 2016, in this locality and which saw the participation of the Special Representative. During the three-day event, a recommendation that victims in Dania and its environs should be compensated was made by participants who included the chiefs of ten villages in Vavoua sous-préfecture, representatives of diverse communities, elected representatives, local dignitaries, women and youths.

Every victim will be taken into account

Speaking to a large crowd comprising residents from 11 villages in the sous-préfecture, Minister Mariatou Koné said « I have come to tell you that the victims in Dania will not be forgotten ». The villagers responded to the Minister's announcement with great joy. « Every victim will be taken into account. Compensation is a right and you will benefit from it, » said the Minister of Solidarity, Social Cohesion Social and Victim Compensation. Professor Koné concluded by appealing to people not to dwell on the [painful past but to look to the future with courage. « Together we must rebuild a Côte d'Ivoire of brotherhood based on the values of peace and tolerance, » she added.

UNOCI rehabilitates health centre, primary school and 22 hydraulic pumps

In an effort to support local people and authorities, the chief of UNOCI, announced the rehabilitation of the health centre in Dania, a primary school and 22 hydraulic pumps in the region. Mrs Aïchatou Mindaoudou also announced a training programme for traditional chiefs on conflict management. The Special Representative congratulated the Minister for the diligence with which she responded to the expectations raised by local people with regard to considering compensating local victims, she then reaffirmed the willingness of the United Nations to accompany the Ivorian Government and people in strengthening social cohesion and consolidating lasting peace.

The ceremony was attended by administrative authorities, elected representatives, local dignitaries and all sections of the local population.