UNOCI's Acting Head takes part in medal award ceremony for the 1st Ivorian Contingent in MINUSMA

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4 Aug 2014

UNOCI's Acting Head takes part in medal award ceremony for the 1st Ivorian Contingent in MINUSMA

The Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d'Ivoire, in charge of the Mission, Arnauld Akodjènou, on Wednesday, 30 July 2014, took part in an award ceremony for the first Ivorian Contingent to served with the United Nations Multidimensional Mission for Stabilisation in Mali (MINUSMA) following their return home. The ceremony took place in Arms Square at the headquarters of the Forces Républicaines de Côte d'Ivoire (FRCI).

"The Ivorian Head of State took the decision to send part of the country's army in charge of transport and logistics under exceptional conditions without precedent to serve in the UN Mission in Mali," recalled Mr. Akodjènou. The Ivorian Contingent was assisted by the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) with the support of the French Force Licorne in order to be able to meet the challenge. Most of the soldiers underwent human rights training provided by UNOCI, he added.

Mr. Akodjènou congratulated the Contingent on their professionalism for which they were decorated by MINUSMA and which it is hoped will serve them well in their military careers and provide them with the opportunity to be deployed in other peacekeeping activities. "We appreciate not only the fact that they all cane back safe and sound but also the fact that they will use their experience to train their brothers in arms as well as contribute to the ongoing Reform of the Security Sector which holds great importance for the President as well as the Ivorian Security Council," said Mr. Akodjénou

For his part, the spokesperson of the Ivorian contingent to MINUSMA, Colonel Yao Adjoumani, expressed his satisfaction at having taken part in this mission, adding that if Mali is attacked by terrorists, it also means that Côte d'Ivoire is also under threat. « We were proud to represent our country and we did what we needed to so to support our Malian brothers. It is true that the mission continues but we did what we could and would continue to do so. I hope that our efforts will not be in vain and that sooner or later Mali will get rid of these terrorists who are causing problems not only for Malians but of all of Africa and the world. With what we have achieved, we could help to remake the Ivorian Army which is becoming more and more professional, concluded Colonel Adjoumani.