UNOCI urges people of Pona Zibiao to strengthen social cohesion and respect human rights

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13 Nov 2013

UNOCI urges people of Pona Zibiao to strengthen social cohesion and respect human rights

Pona village in the Zibiao district of Bangolo district, 544 km north-west of Abidjan, was the venue of a stopover of the mobile grassroots sensitization activity of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire, known as ONUCI Tour, on Tuesday, 12 November 2013. Issues related to the strengthening of social cohesion and respect for human rights were discussed during the session.

Women, men, children and the old converged at the village Chief's home to exchange ideas with UNOCI staff, who explained the mandate of the UN mission, the need for reconciliation, social cohesion, peace, respect for human rights and the handling of rural land disputes.

The representative of UNOCI Public Information Office told the gathering that social cohesion and the respect of traditional and administrative authorities were inseparable.

UNOCI Security officials said the protection of civilians, especially children, was part of the Mission's mandate. He advised the people to provide reliable information to the UN Police each time they come to their village, explaining that UN Police were supporting the local security forces to ensure better protection of the population.

The Human Rights representative warned against gender-based violence, especially female genital mutilation and forced marriages. "Abolish excision and forced marriages in order to promote the social advancement of women and girls," he advised. He also stressed the need to educate children without distinction of sex.

To round up, Jonas Siepko of the NGO, Bonne Action, who accompanied the UNOCI delegation, urged the youths to get to work and to respect one another. "Respect for one another is the basis for social cohesion which invigorates human beings, makes them happy and leads to peace," he concluded.