UNOCI trains media and civil society on how to treat rumours and promote respect for human rights

24 Jun 2013

UNOCI trains media and civil society on how to treat rumours and promote respect for human rights

The UN

Operation in Côte d'Ivoire on 17 and 18 June 2013 organised a workshop in

Daoukro, 242 km north of Abidjan, on the management of rumours and respect for

human rights. The workshop was attended by some 30 participants drawn from

independent non-profit radios, local press correspondents and civil society

actors in Daoukro, Mbahiakro and Prikro in the east of the country.



issues discussed included human rights and social peace, transitional justice

and the prevention and management of cases of ill- treatment in the Iffou



At the

opening of the workshop, the Prefect of the region, Mr. Albert Koffi Akpolleh

recalled that "Côte d'Ivoire had been frequently confronted by the phenomenon of

rumour which at times weakens the social cohesion of the community and respect

for human rights."



her part, UNOCI official Federica Seymandi said that the seminar was aimed at

creating the optimal conditions for community radios to become key actors in the

consolidation of national reconciliation. "They must also serve as the spearhead

for post-crisis reconstruction and local development," she said.



Kangoute Fatou Cissoko, who represented the Mayor, said she was certain that the

resolutions adopted by the workshop would promote reconciliation between the

sons and daughters of Iffou region.


At the

end of the two-day event, participants resolved to fight against rumours in all

its forms by banning the broadcasting of information likely to disturb social

peace; to open their air waves to different shades of opinion and to NGOs

wishing to sensitise and educate the population on the respect of human rights;

and to fight against the ill-treatment and violence against children.



committee was set up to monitor the issue linked to the spreading of  rumours,

social cohesion and respect for human rights.